Affix visibly in the toilet
The use of Ekolet toilet
he use of Ekolet toilet
he use of Ekolet toilet
he use of Ekolet toilet----composte
The text parts typed with this type of font concerns the biological cleansing of the liquids.
YV (Instructions 1.2.2012)
1-7 persons in year-round use
Electricity consumption:
Wh/day (normal
Maximum capacity:
W (normal
Close the toilet seat alwa
Close the toilet seat alwa
Close the toilet seat alwa
Close the toilet seat always after use. Fill the composte
ys after use. Fill the composte
ys after use. Fill the composte
ys after use. Fill the composter with toilet (and kitchen) waste. You
r with toilet (and kitchen) waste. You
r with toilet (and kitchen) waste. You
r with toilet (and kitchen) waste. You
can also use a bidet shower with the Ekolet composting to
can also use a bidet shower with the Ekolet composting to
can also use a bidet shower with the Ekolet composting to
can also use a bidet shower with the Ekolet composting toilet.
1. The composter has a storage for solid waste divided into four sectors, a storage for liquids,
and a toilet seat.
2. The parts that need to be replaced at certain intervals are the electric fan
and the water pump
. A
functioning composter
g composter
g composter
g composter must always have the
must always have the
must always have the
must always have the buzzing
buzzing sound of the fan
sound of the fan
sound of the fan
sound of the fan
and the babbling sound of
the water-fountain when the pump is running.
These sounds can be clearly heard when standing next to
These sounds can be clearly heard when standing next to
These sounds can be clearly heard when standing next to
These sounds can be clearly heard when standing next to
the compost
the compost
the compost
the compost----container and weak sound of these can be heard in the toile
container and weak sound of these can be heard in the toile
container and weak sound of these can be heard in the toile
container and weak sound of these can be heard in the toilet when the toilet seat is
t when the toilet seat is
t when the toilet seat is
t when the toilet seat is
3. To fill up a composting sector takes normally 6 - 18 months. One can see when the sector is full
by looking inside the toilet seat’s sewage-pipe or through the special checking hole in the
composter´s lid with the help of a flashlight.
4. The waste at the level of the emptying door is ready as last. One can speed up the maturing of
maturing of
maturing of
maturing of
the compost
the compost
the compost
the compost by increasing the temperature of the room the composter is located in, by applying
insulating material around the composter, by adding porous substances like straw, chopped bark or
acid peat to the waste or by adding composting worms into the soil. To punch holes for example
with a crowbar to the dry composting material will speed up the process. Under normal
circumstances, however, none of the above-mentioned procedures are necessary.
5. When the composting sector is full
When the composting sector is full
When the composting sector is full
When the composting sector is full, the waste should be covered by 3-6 buckets of ordinary soil
or old compost. Rotate an empty sector - or an emptied sector that had contained the oldest
compost - into use. Put on top of the filtering tissue 5 - 10 cm layer of straw, chopped bark or acid
peat. The gasket of the emptying door shall be greased by the pipe putty (Unipack) before closing.
The sector is rotated by the handles above the side door or by using the EKOLET's lever. The rotating
is lighter if you grease the roller axis and lift the container's lid. In emptying the sector make sure
you don’t break the filter-tissue lining the inner surface. Before rotating into its place, make sure to
mark the starting date onto the emptying door. We recommend washing the filter cloth when the
composting sector is emptied of 2-3 times. Use a water hose, brush, and an environmentally
friendly detergent. Pull the bottom of the filter cloth bag out of the emptying door so, that the dirt
fall directly out of the sector.
6. The composted soil that is removed from a composting toilet is ready to use as such in the
garden as a fertilizer. The composted soil might need watering before empting.