Application manual
Air quality multisensor and regulator EK-ES2-TP
Release 1.0 - Updated: 14/02/2020
Application Manual
© EKINEX S.p.A. - All rights reserved
Page 79
Logic functions
The EK-ES2-TP KNX Multisensor controller allows to use some useful logic functions (AND, OR, NOT and
exclusive OR) in order to implement complex functions in the building automation system.
You can configure:
8 channels of logical functions
4 inputs for each channel
Each object value, if desired, can be individually inverted by inserting a NOT logic operator.
For each channel, a parameter
Delay after bus voltage recovery
is available: this parameter represents the
time interval between the bus voltage recovery and the first reading of the input communication objects for
evaluating the logic functions.
In case of uncorrect connection of the input communication object or electrical trouble on bus
resulting in a failed input reading request, the logic output of the corresponding channel can be
calculated by setting default input values.
The communicaton object that represents the logic function output is sent on the bus on event basis, i.e.
when the status changes; alternatively, a cyclic sending can be set.
Parameter and communication object tables
The following condition has to be true:
Logic functions = enabled
Parameter name
Logic function
/ enabled
Logic operation
Logic function = enabled
XOR (eXclusive OR)
Delay after bus voltage recovery
Logic function = enabled
00:00:04.000 hh:mm:ss.fff
00:00:00.000 … 00:10:55.350]
Time interval between the bus voltage recovery and the first reading of the input
communication objects, for evaluating the logic functions
Output cyclic sending interval
Logic function = enabled
no sending
[other value in range
30 s … 120 min]
No sending means that the output state of the logic function is updated on the bus
only on change event. Different values imply cyclic sending on the bus of the output
Output sending
Logic function = enabled
both values
only value 0 /
only value 1
It allows to decide the trigger for sending the result of the operation to output.
Output update
Logic function = enabled
at value change
at value or input change
It identifies the event for the output update.
Logic object x
Logic function = enabled
/ enabled
x = 1, 2, 3, 4
Logic object x negated
Logic function = enabled
Logic object x = enabled
/ yes