Application manual
Presence / movement sensors EK-DF2/DG2-TP
Rev. 1.2 - 2020-02-06
© Ekinex S.p.A.
– All rights reserved
Pag. 6
The actual detection range of the sensors depends on the mounting height.
The optimal range is achieved walking through several portions of the detection area.
Positioning for
For the EK-DF2-TP sensor, at a standard mounting height of 2.5 m, presence detection range (for
small movements) is about 4 meters of diameter, while movement detection range (person walking
through the detection area) is about 9 meters of diameter.
The recommended mounting height varies from 2 m up to 5 m.
Positioning for
For the EK-DG2-TP sensor, at a standard mounting height of 2.5 m, presence detection range (for
small movements) is about 3 meters of diameter, while movement detection range (person walking
through the detection area) is about 12 meters of diameter.