4-3. Checking Adjustment Results
The previous SelfCalibration results can be checked.
1. Choose “SelfCalibration” from the Adjustment menu, and press
2. Choose “Result” from “SelfCalibration”, and press
3. Select the mode you want to check the results for with or .
The Result menu appears. The date and time the last SelfCalibration was executed, and the total monitor usage time
from the previous calibration are displayed.
4. Select “Calibration Result” or “Ambient Light” with or .
The previous calibration results are displayed.
• The measurement results of the ambient light sensor are used to check the difference between the current
environmental light level and the level of ambient light when SelfCalibration was executed, and are not reflected in
the SelfCalibration results.
• If “Ambient Light” is selected, the current environmental light is also displayed.
• If the environment in which the product is used is significantly different to the previous environment, the ambient
light measurement results may differ greatly between the previous calibrations and current calibrations.