In this screen linearization parameters are shown and can be changed in order to compen-
sate for hysteresis etc. in the weighing system. In the lower half of the screen just above the
key icons the selected linearization point number, the entered load for this point and the
up/down corrections (added/subtracted) for this point are shown. Just above this in the up-
per half of the screen the actual used interval, the corrected gross weight, the uncorrected
gross weight,
the corrected “fi
” gross weight and the direction is shown. In the upper
right corner the hysteresis limit is shown. A cursor (inverted text) indicates the currently se-
lected parameter.
Load points
The load points in which the given corrections are performed must be specified in the
screen. The load points are changed by using and to select the desired
point number in the “Load” col
umn with the cursor, and then pressing
to request change
of the selected load parameter.
The load parameters must be entered in rising order; i.e. starting with 0kg for point no. 0 and
always rising upwards for rising point numbers. It must be ensured all load points including
the up/down corrections are valid.
Up/Down corrections
The up/down corrections performed in the different load points must be specified in the
screen. The up/down corrections are changed by using and to select the
point number in the “UP
cor” or “DOWN
cor” column with the curs
or, and then
to request change of the selected up/down correction parameter.
Please notice:
The UP corrections are added while the DOWN corrections are subtracted.
Hysteresis limit
The hysteresis limit must be specified in the
screen. The hysteresis limit
specifies the weight change in a given direction that must take effect for a direction change
to be detected. The hysteresis limit is changed by using and to select the hysteresis lim-
it parameter with the cursor, and then pressing
to request change of the hysteresis limit
Reset linearization
The entered linearization (load points and up/down corrections) can be reset (setting load
points to default values and up/down corrections to 0) by using the
Select the RESET LINEARIZATION item and press
Zero with extended range (power-up zeroing)
If a zeroing is to be performed during power up (with extended zeroing range),
must be
pressed while the program identification (software name, date and revision) is shown. Press-
before this is ignored.