Trend screens
Trend screens are available for the following functionalities:
Agitator speed (Agitator Trend)
Conductivity (Conductivity Trend)
pH (pH Trend)
Temperature (Temperature Trend)
Weight (Weight Trend)
All five Trend screens have similar layout. The Agitator Trend, pH Trend, and Temperature
Trend screens show the graphs for the setpoint (SP), the current process variable (PV),
and the controlled variable (CV) in relevant measurement units. The Conductivity Trend
and Weight Trend screens show the graph for the current process variable (PV) only.
On the local control panel, trending is displayed for the last 5 minutes. The information
is available for viewing only and cannot be printed.
For a FlexFactory connected system trending is available on FlexFactory inter-
face for the whole elapsed time since connected to FlexFactory.
Trend screens are reached from Agitator Detail, Conductivity Detail, pH Detail, Tem-
perature Detail and Weight Detail screens, tapping TREND at the bottom of the screen.
Parameter ranges for trending
The trending ranges for each measured parameter and controlled variable are shown
in the following table.
Process variable (PV)
Controlled variable (CV)
Setpoint (SP)
0 to 315 rpm
Not applicable
0 to 315 rpm
0 to 160 mS/cm
Not applicable
Not applicable
0 to 14
0% to 100%
0 to 14
0°C to 100°C
0% to 100%
0°C to 100°C
0 to 2700 kg
Not applicable
Not applicable
Xcellerex XDUO 2500 Mixer Operating Instructions 29146667 AH
4 User interface
4.7 Trend screens