2.11 Visual Check
The PINs should not be bent or touch each other. Otherwise, a short circuit with a damage to the BCU is possible.
2.12 Identifying a faulty module (Variant 1)
In the web-interface of the battery, event messages and also error codes are displayed. "Current Alarm" shows
current and active messages. Past messages are logged in the “History Alarm”. If an error is displayed in the
Current Alarm or History Alarm then Sub1 shows which module is affected. Please note: The module number has
nothing to do with the stacking order! The module numbering is based on the production date and the oldest
module has the number 1. The corresponding serial number can be obtained in "RUN Data" if you select the
module number there. In the example below, the message "Charge_OT" is reported by module 3.
In Run Data, the correct serial number can be found for module 3: