Managing Print Jobs
To display information about a different RIP Station, choose Open from the File menu.
The Chooser window appears.
Select the RIP Station in the Chooser.
The Fiery Spooler main window appears and displays information about the
RIP Station you selected.
You can move between Fiery Spooler windows by choosing the RIP Station
name in the Window menu. You can move between the Job Log and Main windows
for a server by choosing them in the Window menu. You can also use the Cascade
option in the Window menu to organize windows on your Desktop.
Choose Close from the File menu to close the connection to the current RIP Station.
Choose Quit (Mac OS) or Exit (Windows) from the File menu to quit the Fiery Spooler.
Duplicating, copying, moving, and deleting jobs
Mac OS, Windows 95, and Windows NT users can move, delete, and configure their
own print jobs; the RIP Station system administrator (or anyone with Fiery Spooler
Password access) can move, delete, and configure jobs for all users, and can re-order
jobs within a queue. The RIP Station system administrator (or anyone with Fiery
Spooler Password access) can re-order jobs within a queue.
You can select more than one job at a time. To select multiple, adjacent jobs in the list,
use Shift-click. To select multiple, non-adjacent jobs, use Ctrl-click.
Duplicating jobs
You can duplicate jobs in the Print, Printed, and Hold queues. You might want to
duplicate a job if you want to change printing parameters in the Override Print
Settings window without losing the original settings.
When you duplicate a job, the RIP Station creates a reference to the original file, so
duplicate files do not require the full amount of disk space on the RIP Station. As long
as one of the duplicates remains, the RIP Station saves the file, so you can delete all but
one reference to a file.