Installation and Service Guide: Printer Controller EB-34
Using the EB-34
Fiery tab
The Fiery tab contains most of the administrative features, especially entering settings for Setup options.
Fiery Info
Displays information about the current configuration of the EB-34.
Printable Info
Print these system pages from the EB-34:
PS/PCL Test Page:
Confirms that the EB-34 is properly connected to the copier, and
provides grayscale samples to troubleshoot problems with the copier or the EB-34. Settings
on the Test Page may include: Server Name, printer model, and date and time the Test Page
was printed.
PS Font List:
Prints a list of all fonts currently on the EB-34 hard disk.
Provides general information about the hardware and software
configuration of the EB-34, the current Setup options, the current calibration, and the IP
address of the EB-34.
Custom Paper Instruction:
Prints a procedure for creating a custom paper entry.
Job Log:
Prints a list of the last 55 jobs.
E-mail Log:
Prints a list of recent e-mail activity.
FTP Log:
Prints a list of recent FTP activity.
To print the E-mail or FTP Log, you must first enable the appropriate service. For
more information, see
Configuration and Setup
Enters the Setup menu to change Setup option settings.
Clear Job Log
Clears the Job Log from the EB-34.
Clear Server
Clears all jobs in all server queues, as well as all jobs archived on the EB-34 hard disk, the
index of archived jobs (in the Archive window), all FreeForm masters, and the index of
FreeForm masters (in the FreeForm window). Consult with your administrator or operator
before choosing
Clear Server
Run Diagnostics
To troubleshoot e-mail printing issues, choose this menu and then choose
Check E-mail
. For more information, see
Configuration and Setup
. The
Check Video Board
is available for service technicians to run diagnostics on the video board.