5.1 Main Menu Language
In this menu, the parameterisation interface can be changed between German and English.
5.2 Main Menu Information
Fig. 5.4:
The main menu „Information“ is structured within 4 tabs
The menu is structured into sub-menus by 4 tabs:
1. Sub-menu Device information
This page displays information on the software status of the individual program components of the
2. Sub-menu Documentation
Here the device documentation in PDF-format can be found.
3. Sub-menu Log file
System relevant events are logged in the log file. These are, for example, system starts, log-in and
log-out processes or parameter changes. Security-relevant entries, such as logging on with an
incorrect password, are marked with an exclamation mark at the beginning of the line. The time
stamps are assigned in UTC time.
The log file is not an event recorder; it does not contain any fault events of the process. The log file is
structured as a ring buffer and can contain approx. 5000 entries. When the size of 5000 entries is
reached, the oldest entries are deleted.
Show log file
The file is opened in the browser. There is no automatic update of the page, therefore the button
"Show log file" has to be clicked again to update.
Save log file
With this button the log file can be opened with any editor or saved in the default download
directory defined for the Explorer as USMLogfile.txt file. This file can then be opened and further
edited with any word processing program (e.g. WordPad or Word).
Empty log file
This function can only be performed by the administrator and deletes the contents of the log file.
4. Sub-menu Help
Here all help-files are concentrated which can be accessed by the help-buttons in the respective