SD630A AK, SD630A24 AK24
SD630A AK, SD630A24 AK24
How to Delete a Pre-entered Telephone Number
Engineering code
MMMM # 01 #
MMMM # 02 #
MMMM # 03 #.
MMMM # 04 #
MMMM # 05 #
MMMM # 06 #
For deleting 1. Telephone number:
For deleting 2. Telephone number:
For deleting 3. Telephone number:
For deleting 4. Telephone number:
For deleting 5. Telephone number:
For deleting 6. Telephone number:
(default 1234 )
After entering the 4-digit engineering code,
#, row number and user code
if you enter a valid syntax you hear, two beeps. If you enter an invalid syntax you hear single beep. That means wrong
operation has been done, and the commands are ignored. You could repeat the operation by pressing # button.
1234 # 01 #
please enter the followings in order:
When the device receives an alarm it starts calling the pre-entered telephone numbers from the first number. It can call
5 times if the dialed number doesn't answer or it is busy. After 10 times ringing if it's not answered it calls the next
number. The device reads 16 seconds recorded voice.
After reading the message, the device waits 10 seconds to have an order. After listening the message enter the user
code than press the 2 button and if you heard two beeps it cannot call the following telephone number, the relay is
became an active conditions by entering user code than pressing 1 button in 10 seconds.
To make another operation 2-3 seconds should be wait. (The relay in active conditions.)
The device reads 16 seconds recorded voice:
How the device operates
How to Enter Passwords
After entering the 4-digit engineering code,
#, row number and user code
if you enter a valid syntax you hear, two beeps. If you enter an invalid syntax you hear single beep which means
wrong operation. You can repeat the operation by pressing # button.
please enter the followings in order:
Engineering code (default 1234 )
New password
1234 # 07 5612 if you want to set 5612 user password
Setting 1. Telephone's number's password: MMMM # 07 S1S1S1
Setting 2. Telephone's number's password. MMMM # 08 S2S2S2
Setting 3. Telephone's number's password: MMMM # 09 S3S3S3
Setting 4. Telephone's number's password: MMMM # 10 S4S4S4
Setting 5. Telephone's number's password: MMMM # 11 S5S5S5
Setting 6. Telephone's number's password: MMMM # 12 S6S6S6
Changing the engineering code:
MMMM #13 S7S7