flight with the underwater unit’s turnaround time subtracted from it. To determine the range, divide the
time by 2 and then multiply by the speed of sound. The format of logged events is as shown:
RNG: TX = 10.5 RX = 14.0 time = 00.016 Sec.
RNG: TX = 10.5 RX = 14.0 time = 00.015 Sec.
CMD: 341210
Host Mode
Serial port is always in logging mode when not in Host mode.
Host mode can be entered thru the keypad using the menus or thru the serial port by pressing enter
(carriage return/line feed). The LCD indicates 8011M has switched to host mode by displaying:
HOST MODE: press any key to exit
While in host mode, the 8011M will echo all characters sent in the com port. If using a terminal emulation
program, be sure to configure it not to echo characters locally. Host mode commands must exactly match
the prescribed format; otherwise, they will be rejected.
Serial commands are case sensitive, all are upper
, and require strict attention to format, include all leading and trailing zeros, and do not add spaces.
BACS acoustic commands take approximately 9 seconds to transmit. If any character is sent while a BACS
acoustic command is transmitted, the command will be terminated. The 8011M will return a carriage
return if the command is terminated, not the Pound sign (#). After a BACS acoustic command is sent, the
8011M will return an asterisk (*) and listen for a response from the underwater unit.
After the first reply is detected, the 8011M will send a question mark (?) and then send either a period (.)
or question mark (?) every 250mS. A question mark (?) indicates a valid reply was detected during that
250mS time period, a period (.) indicates nothing was detected. The listening mode is terminated by
clicking ‘ENT’ To Exit Host mode, press any key on the 8011M keypad.
Indicates serial command error
Indicates listening was terminated
Indicates a command has been accepted
Indicates a valid reply was detected. Represents a 250mS time period
Indicates no reply was detected. Represents a 250mS time period
Table 4-3: Important 8011M Host Mode Symbols and their Meanings