influence of the weather, e.g. against too strong rain or direct spraying with
the water hose.
3. Now choose a sunny, shadow-free place for the solar module. The solar
module may be inserted into the ground with the ground spike or screwed-
on with the enclosed holder.
4. Lay the cable for the solar module carefully and without tripping hazards.
Connect the plug of the cable on the solar module with the associated
socket on the control unit (1). The integrated battery is charged in case of
adequately intensive solar radiation onto the solar module.
5. Remove the 2 protective caps from both nozzles for inflowing and
outflowing water.
6. Cut off approx. 20 centimeters from the (transparent) suction hose (2) and
attach this short piece onto the nozzle for outflowing water. (2).
7. In this short piece of hose, please insert the T-reducer with its larger side
8. On the nozzle for inflowing water, please attach the remaining (transparent)
suction hose auf (4). This hose has to be laid up to the reservoir tank for
water, e.g. a rainwater barrel (5).
9. Insert the suction filter (if not already assembled) onto the suction hose
(6). This filter keeps coarse dirt away from the pump. Throw this filter into
the filled water barrel.
Note: Please don´t install the filter on the bottom from the water reservoir. This
prevents the pump from sucking sand grains or similar and losing power.
10. Now take the black float switch and also put it into the filled water barrel (7).
Now insert the plug of the float cable into the socket on the control unit (8).
The pump is working if the float is upright in the water. In case it should lay
on its side due to the lack of water, then the pump will be deactivated and
it is required to refill an adequate amount of water.
11. Cut off approx. 10 centimeters from the (black)
irrigation hose and insert this short piece onto
the free end of the T-reducer (9) which points
upwards. In this short piece, please insert
the (blue) ventilation valve (10). This valve
prevents the uncontrolled running on of the water.
Note: Here, please make sure that the valve is inserted with the right side up!
12. With the remaining piece of the irrigation hose, the
15 hose holders (11), the 15 black T-pieces (12)
and the 15 water drippers (13) you are now able to
install the desired distribution grid for the irrigation.
The dripping volume is fixed to 2 l/h.
13. With the multistage selector switch (14) on the housing
you may set the time of operation of the pump. The pump
pumps at the break of dawn and at nightfall depending on
the set value. It may be selected in 6 stages in a range
of 30 seconds (0.5 min) up to a maximum of 12 minutes.
In the position „Test“ it is possible to test the pump or
pump the air out of the hoses when the pump is put into
operation for the first time.
Operating instructions
Solar irrigation system “Water Drops”
These instructions relate ONLY to this product and contain important infor-
mation for using the product for the first time. Please keep these instructions
for later reference and should always accompany the product in the event of
transference to a new user.
1. Introduction
Dear Costumer, thank you for purchasing the solar pump kit.
With this solar pump kit you purchased a product manufactured according to the
current state of technology.
This product fulfils all requirements of the valid European and nati-
onal regulations. The conformity was proved. The relevant declara-
tions and documentation are deposited with the manufacturer.
To maintain this state and guarantee a safe operation, you as the user will have to
follow this operating manual!
2. Safety Instructions
- In case of damages caused by not following
this operating manual, the warranty rights
will expire! We exclude liability for any
consequential damages!
- We exclude liability for property or
personal damages caused by inappropriate
handling or not following the safety instructions.
- In these cases any guarantee rights will expire.
Due to safety and admission reasons (CE) it is not allowed to arbitrarily reconstruct
and/or change the solar pump kit.
Therefore, please keep to the operating manual.
The accident prevention rules of the association of the industrial trade cooperative
association for electric plants and working material are to be considered in industrial
3. Function and intended use
The solar irrigation system is intended for outdoor use. With this system it is
possible to irrigate the plants in the garden, in the greenhouse, in the hotbed,
on the balcony or on the raised bed with a maximum of 15 water drippers. The
irrigation is performed once a day at the break of dawn and once at nightfall. The
operating time of the pump may be set between 0.5 minutes and 12 minutes.
The dripping volume is fixed to 2 l/h.
Thus, you have the ideal solution for an automatic and network-independent
irrigation of your potted plants or vegetable bed. The integrated diaphragm
pump sucks water from a depth of up to 2 meters e.g. from a rainwater barrel.
The crystalline solar module charges the integrated battery pack during the day
and sunshine.
The means complete independence from the mains current!
4. Scope of delivery
1. 1 x control unit
2. 1 x solar module including
connecting cable and holder
3. 1 x Float switch
4. 2 m suction hose with filter
5. 5 m pressure hose black
6. 1 x T-piece transparent
7. 15 x T-piece small black
8. 15 x hose holder
9. 15 x water dripper 2 l/h
10. valve
11. seal plug
5. Assembly and putting into operation
1. Please carefully take all parts out of the package. Make sure that you have
really taken all parts out of the package before disposing the package
materials in an environmentally compatible way.
2. Choose an appropriate location for the control unit. In doing so, please pay
attention to the fact that its position has to be higher than the maximum
water level of the water reservoir. Protect the control unit against the direct
Customer support:
If you have problems or questions regarding this product, simply contact us!
Monday to Friday 9 am to 12 noon and 1 pm to 4 pm.
By phone: +49 9605-92206-0
By e-mail for ordering spare parts: [email protected]
By e-mail for questions about the product: [email protected]
Product: Manufacturer Item No.: 101100