The butterfly valves of the series BSV are DVGW ap-
proved to the Norm EN 161 with product identi-
fication number.
They are suitable to be used on residential and in-
dustrial combustion systems. They are particularly
suitable for both manual and automatic control of
gases belonging to the first, second and third family
and of air.
Installation with two threaded flanges from Rp 3/4
to Rp 2.
Butterfly valve
series BSV
• Sturdy, compact construction, especially suitable for industrial applications
• Installation in any position
• Mechanical position indicator
• Lockable rotation angle from 0° to 90°
• Low leakage at valve in closed position 1% of max. kv
• Wide range of accessories on request:
Body and flanges
Stainless steel AISI 303
Butterfly disc
Aluminium or AISI 304
Threaded flanges
From Rp 3/4 to Rp 2 according to norms EN 10226
Max. pressure
500 mbar
-10 ÷ +60°C for gas -10 ÷ +80°C for air
Temperature on request
-10 ÷ +110°C or +200°C for air
Control ratio
Valves flow
• manual control lever
• 1 o 2 internal reductions with respect to the nominal diameter of the valve
• butterfly disc AISI 304 for air temperature up to 200 °C