WST-402 Wireless Tilt Sensor
Installation Instructions & User Guide
Frequency: 345MHz
Operating Temperature: 32°-120°F (0°-49°C)
Battery: One 3Vdc lithium CR123A (1550 mAh)
Operating Humidity: 5-95% RH non condensing
Battery life: 5-8 years
Compatible with 2GIG and Honeywell receivers
Tilt Sensor
Supervisory signal interval: 60 min (approx.)
Normally closed contact input terminals
To enroll the sensor, set your panel into program mode, refer to your specific alarm panel manual for details
on these menus. There are two triggers on this device and each uses a unique loop number. The tilt sensor is
assigned to loop 2 and the external input is assigned to loop 1.
Tilt Sensitivity
The tilt sensor will activate when the device is approximately at a 45 degree angle. By moving the
actual ball sensor up or down you can adjust this angle by a few degrees.
Note that this device has a delay of approximately 1 second to eliminate false alarms cause by
wind and vibration commonly subjected to a large garage door
Included with this device are mounting screws and double sided tape. For reliable bonding with
the tape ensure the surface is clean and dry. Apply the tape to the sensor and then to the desired
location. Apply firm pressure for several seconds. It is not recommended to mount the tape at
temperatures below 50°F, although after 24 hours the bond will hold at low temperatures.
© 2013 Ecolink Intelligent Technology Inc.
PN WST402 R1.03
REV DATE: 7/19/2013
To auto enroll the tilt sensor, you must ensure the tilt is orientated in the up
position (refer to picture and note location of arrow on the plastics). When
prompted by the panel, move the device until its orientated in the horizontal
To auto enroll the external contact input, trigger the sensor by closing the circuit
between the two terminal inputs when prompted by the panel. This can be done
with a piece of wire, or if using a hardwired contact, by applying the magnet to
that contact.
This serial number is printed on the device if manual enrollment is desired.
The tilt sensor can operate as an “exit / entry” zone or a “perimeter zone”. Set
the zone type for the wireless tilt sensor in your panel.
The external contact terminals, while fully functional, have not been
submitted to UL / ETL laboratories for verification of compliance with applicable
standards. Operation of the external contacts is outside of the scope of the ETL
listing for this product.
2055 Corte Del Nogal
Carlsbad, California 92011