© 2015 Ecolink Intelligent Technology Inc.
Motion Sensor with Pet Immunity Installation Instructions
Product Overview
Z-Wave Plus
enabled device which transmits upon detection of movement
Configurable to be less sensitive to the movement of small and medium size household pets
Reports tamper condition if cover is removed
Product Specifications
For indoor use only
Operating frequency: 908.42 MHz
Operating range: Up to 100 feet (30.5 meters) line-of-sight
Operating temperature: 0˚C to 49˚C, 32˚F to 120˚F (ambient temperature)
Detection radius: Maximum 45 feet (see detection region diagram)
Detection angle: 45 degrees in either direction from the sensor’s center (see detection region diagram)
Battery type: 3V Lithium CR123A
Battery life: approximately 3 years
Passive Infrared (PIR) based technology
Network Inclusion
The sensor must be added to a Z-Wave network prior to use. To include the sensor in a network, both the sensor and the network controller must
be in inclusion mode at the same time.
Refer to the instructions provided by the manufacturer of your specific controller for details on initiating the
controller’s inclusion mode.
STEP ONE Start by placing the controller into inclusion mode.
Activate inclusion mode for the sensor by removing the battery isolation pull tab, or by inserting the battery (see next
section for battery installation tips). When the inclusion process is complete the red LED will turn on for approximately 10
seconds and then it will go out. If the LED continues to flash repeat the inclusion process.