E93.1001EN.C Manual CD
10.15 Setting the maintenance specifications
The unit can be programmed in such a way that an automatic maintenance message is displayed.
There are three options that can be selected. A maintenance message appears after:
* A programmed date is reached.
* An amount of burning hours is reached.
* An amount of ignition cycles is reached.
A single option can be activated or all three options.
Operating screen:
W A T R H T R : b o i
l e r
o f f
> > > : 1 2 3 . 4 ° C ( 1 2 3 . 4 ° C )
Press [MENU]
Select "Maintenan" using [◄] & [►] and press [ENTER]
Operating screen:
M a i n t e n R e s e t
Press [▲] to reset the:
Counter for the total amount of burning hours.
Counter for the total amount of ignition cycles.
(The text will blink once briefly after resetting).
Operating screen:
M a i n t e n M o d e
Blinking second line.
What is blinking at the second line (before a selection is made) is the ac-
tive maintenance option.
Press [▲] or [▼] to change the selected
blinking option.
Screen: Selecting of all maintenance options.
M a i n t e n M o d e
A l l
Press [►] to set:
The option that is blinking can be changed using by [▲] & [▼]
* Date for the Maintenance message.
* Total amount of burning hours for the Maintenance message.
* Total amount of ignition cycles for the Maintenance message.
After selecting one of these values the water heater returns to the
maintenance operating screen.
Press [ENTER] to confirm the changes.
Confirmation screen:
A r e y o u s u r e
< C a n c e l ; > C o n f i r m
Press [
] to cancel the changes or [►] to confirm the
changes. Hereafter the water heater returns to the op-
erating screen.
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