HOME THEATERS • Most modern Home Theater systems
utilize many different components hooked together via a
mixer or distribution device. These days more and more
consumer audio/video equipment has a three-prong ground-
ed plug. This creates a large potential for ground loops which
results in hum or buzz in the audio. Placing the Hum Elimina-
tor™ between offending gear will solve the noise issue. The
Hum Eliminator will even get rid of Video Hum Bars that are
caused by Ground Loop!
samplers, and synthesizers have unbalanced -10dBV
outputs. Use a Hum Eliminator™ to balance the signals if
using with other -10dBV equipment. To use a -10dBV unbal-
anced device with a +4dBu balanced device, use an
EBTECH® Line Level Shifter™.
LIVE SOUND / DJ MIXERS - A common problem with live
performance is long unbalanced cables picking up hum along
the way. Balanced signals are more immune to picking up
noise. Use the Hum Eliminator™ to balance long unbalanced
signals. Mobile DJs or bands never know when setting up
their system if they're going to get a hum or not. The electrical
wiring changes from one building to another. What works fine
at one gig might not work at the next. It's worth the low cost to
keep a Hum Eliminator™ available, nobody can afford to lose
a gig because of hum problems. Some DJs run everything in
their rig through a Hum Eliminator™ to play it safe. The main
outs on most DJ mixers are -10dBV unbalanced RCA. When
using with a +4dBu power amp, over 2/3rd's of the amp's
volume can be lost. Use an EBTECH® Line Level Shifter®.
MIXERS/RECORDING - Many mixers have either unbal-
anced or "impedance balanced" monitor outs / aux sends.
Use a Hum Eliminator™ to get true balanced monitor outs for
noise-free performance. When using more than one mixer (or
sub-mixing), there's a huge chance of getting ground loops
(and that buzz!). Use Hum Eliminators™ to prevent these
ground loops. Eliminating hum is one of the biggest challeng-
es facing studios. Many studios will run all of their line level
gear through Hum Eliminators™ to help ensure noise-free
POWER AMPLIFIERS - Running multiple amplifiers can
create ground loops between the amplifiers, which will pick up
the dreaded hum and buzz. Run each amplifier's input line
through a Hum Eliminator™ to prevent this problem.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Do not place the Hum Eliminator™
between the power amp outputs and the speakers. Doing so
will damage the power amp and/or the speakers.
Hum Eliminator™ User Instructions
Silence AC Hum, forever!
Do you hear a hum or buzz in your audio signal? Are long
unbalanced lines across stage creating noise problems? Get the
Hum Eliminator™ from Ebtech®.
Almost all AC hum (60Hz in the US, 50 Hz in most other
countries), is caused by ground loops. These ground loops act
like radio antennae picking up hum and noise. The Hum Elimina-
tor™ completely eliminates this by breaking the ground loop,
making it impossible for the signal lines to pick up the AC hum and
noise in the first place.
Just plug the Hum Eliminator™ in the signal lines between the
offending pieces of equipment and you’re done! Quick and easy.
No buzz, no hum. No signal degradation. No filtering. No noise
gates. No dangerous ground lifts.
• Eliminates AC hum / 60Hz buzz and noise, quick and easy
• Breaks ground loop safely, while leaving all signal grounds intact
• Automatically translates signal voltages to match differences in
ground potentials, avoiding clipping
• Converts automatically back and forth between balanced and
unbalanced lines at either end
• Completely passive design with audiophile quality components
assures the best possible performance
• Frequency response 20Hz to 70kHz plus or minus 0.5dB
• Distortion less than 0.005% THD @ 1kHz
• Crosstalk better than –97dB
• Maximum source impedance 1kOhm. Minimum load impedance
• Cold Rolled Steel Housing
• One Year warranty