Instruction Booklet
Effective October 2017
Revision #4
Instructions for installation, operation, and
maintenance of 38 kV type VacClad-W,
150 BIL switchgear indoor housings
Section 4: Adjusting and testing
Step 1: After the switchgear has been installed and connected to
the apparatus it is to control, give it a final check before it is
put into service .
Make sure the apparatus being controlled is not connected to the sys-
tem while the tests are being carried out .
The testing equipment will depend on the size and type of installa-
tion . Use portable voltmeters . Use a low voltage continuity testing
device to verify correct continuity of circuits .
Step 2: Examine all wiring circuits to make sure they have not been
damaged or loosened during shipment or installation .
Step 3: Make sure all the connections are correct before the equip-
ment is operated . “Light out” connections between the
switchgear and remote apparatus such as instrument trans-
formers, auxiliary switches, and remote control and interlock
circuits .
Step 4: Coordinate the settings of the relays with other parts of the
system in accordance with the standards or operating prac-
tice of the purchaser .
Step 5: If the covers are removed from meters, relays, or other
devices for installation or test, handle them carefully .
Replace the covers as soon as possible to keep dust and
dirt out of the components .
Step 6: Perform a loading check of the control circuits . Before
energizing the control circuits, check the control bus with
an ohmmeter to make sure there are no short circuits in the
control wiring . If an ohmmeter is not available, connect a
small fuse in series with the source of the control power .
This will protect the control wiring against damage . (The
fuse should be one-fourth the normal rating of the circuit) .
Section 5: Operation of the system
Step 1: Study and understand the electrical drawings furnished with
each switchgear system .
Step 2: Install the circuit breaker in the Disconnect position .
Manual secondarye:
To engage secondary harness, lift and pull the
secondary disconnect forward to engage the control circuit .
Check that the breaker operates .
Step 3: A green light on the hinged instrument panel on the front
of the breaker compartment shows the breaker is open . A
red light shows the breaker is closed . Refer to the diagrams
supplied with the switchgear for the control scheme details,
indicating light colors, and functions .
Step 4: The details of the breaker control schemes vary from one
installation to another . They comply with the require-
ments set forth by IEEE, NEMA, and the American National
Standards Institute (ANSI) . All of the electrical control
schemes are designed to coordinate electrically with the
mechanical design of the breaker .