Eaton PDI Revit Model
P-164001110—Rev 01
Chhaapptteerr 11 IInnttrroodduuccttiioonn
models for Autodesk
Revit are available for the following products:
Power Distribution Units (PDUs)
Remote Power Panels (RPPs)
Static Transfer Switches (STSs)
Floor Stands (optional features for many Eaton products)
PowerWave 2 Bus Systems
Eaton Revit models can be downloaded from the Eaton website for a specific product category or as as
complete Revit library.
Consult with your local or regional sales representatives for help in selecting the correct Revit models for you
installation. see paragraph for contact information.
This document provides instructions on using these models. These instructions are intended for
knowledgeable Revit users.
The term PDI in this manual refers to products previous manufactured by Power
Distribution, Inc. All service and support for these features are now supplied by Eaton.
Geettttiinngg H
If help is needed with any of the following:
Scheduling initial startup
Regional locations and telephone numbers
A question about any of the information in this manual
A question this manual does not answer
Please call the Help Desk at:
United States:
1-800-461-9166 ext 260
All other countries:
Call your local service representative
Please use the following e-mail address for manual comments, suggestions, or to report an error in this