Mag Drive Pumps
Instructions for Operation • Safety • Warranty
Thank you for purchasing the EasyPro Mag Drive pump. This
pump is a magnetically driven water pump. It contains no oil,
rotating shafts, shaft seals or bearings. This pump combines
simplicity of design with the most energy effi cient operation of
any pump. All electrical components are encapsulated in epoxy.
The impeller assembly consists of impeller blades attached to a
magnet and is easily replaced should the need arise. There are
threaded discharge and intake ports on all models.
Safety & Electrical Connections
Always disconnect the electrical supply before handling, maintaining, repairing or install-
ing any pond equipment.
2. Connect this product only to a 110 volt receptacle that is protected by a Ground Fault Circuit
Interrupter (GFCI).
3. The pump must be fully submersed underwater at all times when operating.
4. Never let the pump run dry, as this can damage the impeller, over heat the pump and possibly
burn out the pump.
5. Do not use this product in bathrooms or swimming pools.
6. All electrical work must be performed by a qualifi ed technician. Always follow the National
Electrical Code (NEC) or the Canadian Electrical Code as well as all local, state and provincial
codes. Code questions should be directed to your local electrical inspector. Failure to follow
electrical codes and OSHA safety standards may result in personal injury or equipment dam-
age. Failure to follow manufacturer’s installation instructions may result in electrical shock, fi re
hazard, personal injury or death, damaged equip-ment, provide unsatisfactory performance,
and may void manufacturer’s warranty.
7. When installing a check valve assembly, thread in the assembly fi nger tight.
Do not overtighten
as this could crack the housing and void the warranty.
EP120 • EP200 • EP400 • EP600 • EP850
EP1050 • EP1350 • EP1750 • EP2200 • EP3200