The FW430 combines an Earthworks microphone with a low profile microphone stand and boom as
a single unit. The FW430 allows the microphone head to be positioned as high as 4.7 feet and as low
as 10 inches from the floor or anywhere in between. The FlexWand™ has a large flex section near the
center of the stand that couples the stand and the wand. There is also a mini-gooseneck between the
end of the wand and the microphone head. The lower section of the stand is 3/4” in diameter and the
8.5 inch wand is 5/16” in diameter with a 4.5” mini-gooseneck connected at the end which connects to
the microphone head. The combination of a mid-flex section and the mini-flex on the wand provide an
infinite combination of placement options between 10 inches and 4.7 feet.
F W 4 3 0 / C & F W 4 3 0 / H C
WARRANTY Earthworks products carry a limited warranty.
Visit earthworksaudio.com/warranty for more information.