Содержание Z-5000

Страница 1: ...experiencing OurService Department maybeable to saveyou the inconvenienceof returningyourunit Ifitis determinedthatyour unitmustbereturned full shipping instructionswill be provided SCHEMATICDIAGRAMAND PARTS LIST Shouldyou desire aschematicand parts listforyour Eagle sonar send 1 00 to theaddressbelow and itwill bemailedto you promptly Please besure and give usthe model andserial numberofyour Eagl...

Страница 2: ... offishand it sworth itto stopand ZOOM 14 fish forthem You maynotget anyfurther DIGITAL 15 Keep afew markerbuoysinthe boatreadytotossoverboard When HT 15 theZ 5000 indicatesaschool offish throw a buoyout Thestringwill TRANSDUCERS ANDCONE ANGLES 16 unwind untilthesinkerhitsbottom Then becauseofthe marker sflat SIGNALINTERPRETATION 17 shape itwon tunwindanyfurther With the school thus marked you can...

Страница 3: ...ed is theON key However the automaticmodecan be disabledwhichallowstheZ 5000to be manuallyadjusted TheZ 5000 is nitrogenfilled and sealedfor completewaterproof protection Theliquid crystaldisplayand keyboardare backlightedfor easyuseatnight plus ifscovered byafull oneyear warranty which includes all partsandlabor for oneyear from thedate ofpurchase Toget startedwithyourZ 5000 firstread the install...

Страница 4: ...m accidentalpolarity reversalsandwill notbe harmedifthe wires are reversed However the unitwill notworkuntil the correctpolarity isapplied SURFACECLUTTER Themarkingsatthetop ofthe screen representthe surfaceofthe waterThey can extendmanyfeetbelow thesurfacewhichcan interfere withfish signalsorothertargets Thesemarkingsare called surface clutter and are causedbyalgae plankton baitfish andairbubbles...

Страница 5: ...thismethod should worktodisplayfish arches TRANSDUCER Installationinstructionsforthepermanentmounttransducerare suppliedwiththetransducerin aseparatepackage Pleasereadthe instructionscarefullybeforeyou start installingthetransducer NOISE Electricalnoisepickedupbythe power cablecanbe minimizedby routingitaway fromotherpossible sourcesofelectrical interference One ofthe largestnoisegeneratorsisthe e...

Страница 6: ...artmentbeforestoringthe unit asdead ones can leak and corrode theplating on the batteryboard Figure 2 FISHSIGNALS Thesignalsdisplayedon theZ 5000byfish canbeidentifiedby variousshapedmarkingsin certainpatterns asopposedto random markscreated bynoise orthesolid continuousmarkings madebythe bottom Individualfish can attimes bedistinguishedbyacharacteristicarch thatseparatesthemfrom theirstationarysu...

Страница 7: ...h the sensitivity barAstheboat passesoverthemud bottom theZ 5000will automaticallyincreasethesensitivitytomaintainagood bottomsignal Thesensitivitybar will helpyouin determiningifthe bottomis softor hard Ifitincreaseswhilein the same depth ofwater then theboat has moved over a soft bottom If it decreases then it is over ahard bottom Of course asthewater depth increasesordecreases the sensitivitywi...

Страница 8: ...mentcan be usedwith any Eagle transducerofthesamefrequencywith no lossofperformance However theuse ofany othermanufacturers transducerwill resultin a loss ofperformance Generally widecone angle transducers 20degrees are ideallysuited foroperatingin shallowto mediumwater depths The 20 degreecone angle allowsyoutoseemore ofthe underwaterworld In 15 feetofwater the 20 degreecone covers an areaaboutsi...

Страница 9: ... cantakecontrolofthe Z 5000 making manual adjustmentsasdesired When theZ 5000is intheautomatic mode theword AUTO willbe displayednearthetopofthe display 0 SENSITIVITY LIGHT DIGITAL A completedigital sonar is built inside the Z 5000 Itautomatically discriminatesbetweenthevalid bottomechoesand false echoesfrom fish thermoclines orother signals Thedigitaldisplaywill show only the bottomdepth WhentheZ...

Страница 10: ...ode atany timebysimply pressingtheAUTO keyagain keyuntil the lower limitonthedisplay reads60 NOTE althoughthe maximumlower limittheZ 5000candisplayis400feet the actual depth thattheZ 5000can reach is dependentonwaterandbottomconditions plusthequalityofthetransducer installation Thelower limitcan be changedeven iftheAutomaticfunctionis on However theZ 5000won taccept an entry ifalowerlimitisselecte...

Страница 11: ...csensitivityfunction Ifthe automaticmodeison press theAUTOkeyonceto disableit Next press the downarrow keyinthe RANGE section ofthekeyboard Eachtimethe down arrowis pressed the lower limitwill switch tothenextdeeper scale Pressing theup arrow keywill changethelowerlimitto the next shallowerscale Theavailabledepth rangesare 10 20 40 60 100 200 and 400feet Thedisplaywill immediatelychangetothe new d...

Страница 12: ...rtspeed is increasing Byholding eitherthe right or leftarrow keys the displaycan be speededup orslowed down Whenthe horizontalbar reachesthefar right side ofthescreen thechart speed is atits maximum value Toturn AutoSensitivitybackon presstheAUTO key Remember both automaticsensitivitycontrol and auto ranging functionsare turned off and on atanytime bypressingtheAUTOkey Thetwo controls cannot betur...
