An excellent value in its class, the B856 features a compact 1/16 DIN package, the
precision of digital setting, versatile functionality, and a straightforward button-per-
digit interface.
It can be easily programmed to perform any standard timing operation: On-Delay, Off-
Delay, Interval 1, Interval 2, or Repeat Cycle. A unique On-Delay /Interval Mode can in
many cases perform the function of two separate timers. Output is via DPDT relay
Five selectable time ranges and a programmable decimal point provide preset times
ranging from .01 seconds to 9999 hours.
Simplicity of operation is maintained while still providing a high level of functionality. All
programming is done through the front panel, with an intuitive button-per-digit keypad
that makes entry of preset times quick and easy. A crisp dual line LCD display lets the
operator readily view elapsed or remaining cycle time as well as the preset value.
Prominent annunciators indicate
information such as the time range and the
status of the input and outputs.
Reliability is a key feature of the B856. IEC
Level 4 noise immunity ensures flawless
operation in harsh electrical environments,
while its IEC IP65 enclosure rating allows
use in washdown conditions.
Wiring via an industry standard 8 pin
socket and a power supply that can
accept 24 - 240 VAC or 24 VDC vastly
simplify setup.
Panel Mounting
page 2
Wiring Connections
page 2
Front Panel Operation
page 2
Program Mode
page 3-4
Operating Modes
Timing Diagrams
page 5
page 8
Ordering Information
page 8
page 8
Technical Manual
Model B856-501
LCD Timer
• Field programmable choice of 6 operating
• 5 selectable time ranges with resolution down
to 0.01 seconds
• High Contrast LCD display indicates both
process time and preset value
• Simple button per digit interface
• Programmable security levels prevent
unauthorized setpoint or program changes
• Universal Power Supply (24 - 240 VAC,
24 VDC)
• External Start and Reset Inputs
• IEC IP65 rated front panel
Eagle Signal