SVN-840C Development Board
Getting Started Guide
Eagle Matrix Co., Ltd. Copyright @2019
The SVN-840C Development Board is an excellent
starting point for any Bluetooth project. All the
features of the SVN-840C can be accessed and used
by this product. These features include an NFC
connector, push buttons, LED, multiple power
configurations, full GPIO access, and more. As well as
the use of Arduino R3 layout for ease of access and
interchange ability of Arduino shields
Firmware can be developed for many applications. To
develop firmware, you will need Nordics
recommended development environment. A Nordic
nRF52 DK or debug interface such as the SEGGER J-
link Debug Probe allows for easy programming via
the Serial Wire Debug interface.
SVN-840C Module
Virtual COM port over USB
USB Connection to Module
Coin Cell Battery Holder
Full GPIO pin out of the
NFC Antenna Connector
5 Buttons and 4 LEDs
32.768kHz Low Frequency
Version 0.97
* Final Product Label will be Laser Etched