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EGBT-046S/EGBT-045MS Bluetooth Module
e-Gizmo Mechatronix Central
Bluetooth Modules
Wireless UART Cable Replacement
Hardware Manual &
AT Commands Reference Manual Rev. 1r0
EGBT-045MS and EGBT-046S Bluetooth Mod-
ule are low cost replacements of our now retired
EGBC-04 Bluetooth Module. EGBC-04 is an excel-
lent Bluetooth Module, it is fully certified to Blue-
tooth standards, and is loaded with programmable
features users had come to love. There is just one
thing that went against it- it is expensive.
It is easy to see why the EGBC-04 cost so much.
Firstly, the manufacturer produced these specialty
modules in relatively small volume; hence, there
is no economy of the scale to speak of. Secondly,
certification costs a lot of money; and this cost will
have to be added on top of the manufacturing cost.
Hence, EGBC-04 ended up costing about 10 times
more expensive than its garden variety USB-type
Bluetooth dongles cousins.
Fortunately, at least one volume manufacturer
have came up with an idea of producing a generic
Bluetooth module in large quantity, for sale and
distribution to developers who now have to put only
the firmware functionalities. This resulted in a huge
drop in prices of these specialty Bluetooth modules,
benefiting us experimenters and hobbyists.
EGBT-045MS and EGBT-046S are generic Blue-
tooth Modules loaded with SPP firmware for UART
wireless cable replacement functions. The EGBT-
045MS can be configured by the user to work either
as a master or slave Bluetooth device using a set of
AT commands.
EGBT-046S, on the other hand, is permanently pro-
grammed as Bluetooth slave device. EGBT-046S,
because of its simpler function, is a lot easier to
use, and of course, costs less than EGBT-045MS.
You can use it straight out of the box as a UART
wireless cable replacement, without any need to
add set-up codes in your microcontroller application
Use the cheaper EGBT-046S if your application will
connect to a master Bluetooth device, such as PC
or laptops. Use the EGBT-045MS if your application
must connect to a slave Bluetooth device, such as
with EGBT-046S. Note that EGBT-045MS will work
as well as a slave Bluetooth device.
The new EGBT-04 Bluetooth module
comes in two flavors. The EGBT-046S is
permanently configured as a slave de-
vice. EGBT-045MS, on the other hand,
can be configured by the user to work as
a master or slave Bluetooth device.
EGBT-04 modules can be soldered di-
rectly on a hi-rel type IC socket to make it
easier to work with prototyping platforms,
such as breadboards and perforated pro-
totyping boards.