May 2000
Part No. 001-2008-204
Each repeater monitors all the time slots on the
repeater data bus. If it detects its number in another
time slot, it begins transmitting an additional data
message to its mobiles. This message tells mobiles
programmed to detect that ID code to go to that
repeater to receive a call. This additional message
continues for as long as the mobile is transmitting on
the other repeater.
The sequence of data messages transmitted on a
home repeater is as follows: Every third message is to
the mobile currently receiving a call on that repeater.
Then alternating between these messages are mes-
sages to its mobiles that have been trunked to other
repeaters. For example, assume that five different
mobiles on a five-repeater system are making calls. If
all have Repeater 1 as their home channel (not very
likely in actual practice), the data message order on
Repeater 1 is as follows: 1 2 3 1 4 5 1 2 3 and so on.
If the ID Validator is used, it is programmed with
the status of up to all 5000 home repeater/ID code
combinations possible with a 20-channel system.
Each combination is programmed as either valid or
invalid. Information in the twenty time slots on the
repeater data bus is monitored. If an invalid home
repeater/ID code combination is detected, the ID Vali-
dator places in time slot 21 the number of the repeater
being used by the invalid mobile and also the ID code.
When a repeater detects its number in slot 21, it trans-
mits the turn-off code (31) to the mobile receiving the
call. That mobile then squelches and resumes moni-
toring its home channel. This effectively disables the
invalid mobile because it cannot talk to anyone.
When the turn-off code is sent, the repeater places
"21" in the repeater position of its time slot to indicate
to the ID validator that turn-off has occurred.