Страница 1: ...1466A 1476A F Model1466A Single Trace Model1476A Dual Trace 10MHzOscilloscope 4t r F g a L b J l a ffi tg le aN ...
Страница 2: ...of oompol weT Use the time proven one hond in ihe pockef lechniquewhile hondlingon inslrument probe Be porticulorly coreful io ovoid confocting o neorby metol object thot could provide o good ground return pqth When using o probe ouch only the insuloted por ion Never louch the exposed iip porlaon Wheniesfing oc powered equipmenf remember fhot oc line voltoge is usuolly presenl on some power inpuf ...
Страница 3: ...e 10MHzOscilloscoPe ThiE sylnbol oD oscilloscope meaas ntefet to iD8truction Il1anual fo furthe precautionaty iofolbation This syEbol appears ir the Danual there the corre8ponding inforEatiod is given DYNASCAN COF PORATION 6460WestCortland Street Chicago Illinois 60635 ...
Страница 4: ...ICATIONS 20 D C V o l t a g e M e a s u l e r D e n t s Z 0 Peak to PeakVoltageMeasureErents 21 T i t D e M e a s u r e D e n t s 2 1 F l e q u e n c y M e a s u t e E e n t s 2 2 P u l s e W i d t hM e a s u r e D e n t s 2 3 RelativeMeasuleEerts 24 D U A L T R A C E A P P L I C A T I O N S 2 7 T i r l eD i f f e l e n c e M e a a u r e m e n t s 2 7 Elimination of an Undesiled Signal CoEponent 2...
Страница 5: ...SWEEP Selectable AUTO sweep plovides sweep witlout tligger input automatically levetts to tliggered sweep operation when adequate trigger is applied 1TRSATILE TRIGGERING Selectable INTernaI LINE 50 60 Hz or ExTernal tliggelirg Fully variable trigger LE EL control VIDEO SYNC Selectable FRAME o LINE tliggering for observing composite video wavefolms X Y OPERATION Extelnal trigge input channel 2 on d...
Страница 6: ...r control fo fully adjust_ able sensitivity between steps able sensitivity between stePs Lnput Ibp dance Lq lrt ImPedance 1 Mn i2 shuntedby applox 35 pF 1 MOJz shuntedby aPprox 35 PF Frequency Re6porBe Ftequency Re4onse 2 Dvlti to 5 v dtv z hv div to 5 v diY Dc DC to 10 Mltz 3 dB DCr DC to 10 MHz 3 dB AC 5 Hz to 10 MHz 3 dB AC 5 Hz to 10 MHz 3 dB I mV div l mv div DC DC to MHz 3 dB DC DC to MHz 3 ...
Страница 7: ... IEIr daDce Same as veltical axis Frequelcy R slroDse DC AC DC to 500kgz 3 dB 5 Hz to 500kHz 3 dB MODEL 1466A SIIIGLE TRACE Majrimurn Nd Dbtolted ADplitude Mole than 6 divisions dc to l0 MHz EOR ZONTAI AXIS Xlo MAG Dot iaduited Op tr ting Mode switch VERT INPUT Y axis INPUT X axis ScDsitivity 100Dv div hput IDpeilarcc 1 MA ZVo applox 35 pF Freq rescy R 6Pdse MODE EXT TRIG DCI DC to 500kHz 3 dB X Y...
Страница 8: ...OBE ADJI ST VOLTAGE 0 5 v p J6 squarewave Positive polality Applox I kHz TRACE ROTATION Electrical adjustable frorn front Panel MODEL 1466A SINGLE TRACE Sideep TiEe 0 5 l b div to 0 5 s div t3va in 19 langes in 1 2 5 sequence vernie contlol plotides Jully adjustable swee time bet aeen stePs Seeelr Magdfication Xl0 ten times 15 Lin aiity t3 all langes TRIGGERING htetlal SFc INT Tliggered by veltica...
Страница 9: ...Hz applox 41 w apprcx 36w DTENSIoNS wJIxD DIMENSIoNS wrl tD 10 1 4 x 6 3 8 x 15 3 4 260x 160x 10 1 4 x 6 3 8 x 15 314 260x 160 x 4oo mm 4oo mm 10 1 477 1 8x 18 1 8 260x 180x 10 1 4z 7 8 r 18 1 8 260 x 180x 460 mlr including all projections 460 mm including all plojections WEIGFT Approx 18 1 2 lb 8 4 kg WEIGET Applox 18 lb 8 1 kg ENVIRONMENTA EIOVIRONMENTAL Within SpecilicatioD s Yithin Specilicati...
Страница 10: ...to 5 V div For X Y operation provides step adjustoent of vertical Y axis sensitivity MODEL 1 176A DUAL TRACE Fip 1 Front Panel Contlols and Iirdicators MODEL I 166A SINGLE TRACE MODEL li166A SINGLE TRACE V ctical i POSIrION Coltrot RotatioD adjusts vertical position of tface In X Y operation lotation adj ts ve tical position of display VOLTS DW C dbol Veltical atten uator Ploviiles step adjustbent...
Страница 11: ... input capacitively coupledi dc componentblocked 6 GND Opens channel 1 signal path and glounds input to vertical amp lifie This provides a zero signal zero volt dc base line for refelence DC Channel 1 input ditect coupled both ac arld dc component of waveform displayed ChaDDel I INPUT Jach Channel 1 ve tical input conn ctol Y axis input con nector for X Y opelation Maximum input voltage is 500 vol...
Страница 12: ...witcL Channel 2 signal invelted with butto engaged Eon inverted with button leleased Provides subtraction of CH I CH 2 when used with ADD mode CleDnd 2 i POSIION X Y Cortol Rotation adjusts veltical position of channel Z trace In X Y opelationt lotation adjusts horizonta I position of dbplay MODE S itch Arsebbly Interlocking pushbutton switch assembly selects basic operating mode of oscilloscope p...
Страница 13: ... probe comPensation adjustm ent TRACE ROTAIION Cont ol FOCITS C lrol INTENSITY C boL Clockwise rotation increases brightness of tlace As flc AstigmatbE Conbol EXT TRIG JacL Irrput teldlinal fo ex telnal tligger signal MaximuE inPut voltage is 50 volts dc ac peak MODEL 1466A SINGLE TRACE POWER Ssitch Countelclockltise o tation OFF position turns off oscillo scope Clockwise rotatiofl tu I on oscil l...
Страница 14: ...sync wavefo D when pushed ini on negative goidg slope vrhen puued out PULL SLOPE COUPIING Sritc b Three orition lever switch selects coupling for sFc trigge AC Tligge i6 capacitively coupled this is the most coDrDonly used position for all sigaals except composite video FRAME Vertical sFc pulses of a coE posite yideo signal are selected fo tliggelidg LEVEL control ha sDo effect LINE Holizontal slD...
Страница 15: ...OSITION PULL X10 MAG CoDtroL Rotation adjusts lorizontal position of tlace Rotation has no effect in X Y operation Push pull switch selects X10 sweep magnification PULL X10 MAG when pulled out Do not use X10 MAG during X Y opelation MODEL 1466A SINGLE TRACE EXT Sweep is tliggeled by signal applied to EXT TRIG jack 25 TRIG MODE Svitch Three position leve switch selects triggering rrlode AUTO Trigge...
Страница 16: ...compatible Positive voltage increases blightn s A Positive voltage increases brightness negative voltage decreases blightness egative voltage decleases bdghtness Maximum input voltage is 50 volts dc Ma imuEr input voltage is 50 volts dc ac peak ac peak 30 Fuse Eoliler Use 0 8 A fuse for 100 o 30 Fr e Holilec Use 0 8 A fuse for 100 or 120 VAC opelation 0 5 A fuse for 220 or 120 VAC opelation 0 5 A ...
Страница 17: ... Do rxot connect the groutrd clip of the obe to eithe side of the line The clip is aheady at eartl gtound and toucling it to the lot side of the line may nweldn or disinte graten the plobe tip arld cause pos sible injuly plus possible damage to the scope or probe b Inselt the probe tip into one side of the line voltage receptacle then the othe One side of the lecep tacle should be nhot aid produce...
Страница 18: ...ical noise and stlong llagnet ic fields such as near large motols power supplies transforDers etc Occasionally check trace rotation probe compensation astigrnatism and cali bration acculacy of the oscilloscope uaing the procedu es found in t le MAIN TENANCE section of this manual The cilcuit loadilg effect of the PR 40 Probe which is tnical of Drost 10 1 dit ect probes is 10 MO and 18 pF in the X1...
Страница 19: ...y be used fo single trace opelation on the dual trace Dodeli the advantage of using channel Z is that the waee folm or tbe display can be iDvelted if desired with the CH 2 INV switch hocedures within parentheses are for the dual tlace model 1 PelforE the steps of the Initial Statting ProcedrEe Set the MODE switch to cH z 2 Connect the plobe to the I ERT INPUT jack CIt 2 INPUT jack 3 Connect the pl...
Страница 20: ...icant pottion of the sweep and rnay be coDe visible itl the displayedwave forr Eorreve you eay select chop sweep at any sweep tihe fo ecial applications For exaEple the only way to obselve sidultan eous eveats on a dual trace scope at any sweep rate is with chop sweeP b Note tbat s nchlonization of the display is not possible in the CHOP hode of opelation with the tligget SOURCE switch set to V MO...
Страница 21: ... triggering is dedved lroIrl the input Iine voltage 50 60 Hz This is useful for oeasurements that ale related to line frequency J n tae s JuKuil s tltcn ls ser ro position the signal applied to TRIG jack becornes the trigger source This signa I must have a tiEing relation ship to the displayed waveform for a synchronized display SOITRCE Switcl Dual Ttace Model The SOURCE switch selects the sisnal ...
Страница 22: ...shortening the sweep tihe to magniiy a poltion of aJI obse ved wave olm can result in the desiled poltion disappearing off the sceen such magnified display siould be pelformed using MAGNIFIED SWEEP COUPIJNG Switch 1 Use the AC position for viewing aII tt es of waveforms except composite video waveforms Thc tligge signal is capac itively coupled and may be used fo all signals flom 5 Hz to over 10 M...
Страница 23: ...site video waveforDs In the LINE positioD holirontal s nc putses ale selected as triggers to pelEit viewing of hotizonta l lires of video A s reep tiEe of about 10 F div is appropdate for disptaying lines of video The sweep tiEe VARIABLE contlol can be set to display the exact ruEber of waveforms dlesiied In the FRAME position vertical sFc pulses are selected as tliggels to pelEit viewing ot velti...
Страница 24: ...porent If an inapplopriate efe ence level position was selected in steP Z o an inappropriate VOLTS DW setting was made the raveform may not be yisible at this point ideflected completa ly off the sc een This is specially tlue when the dc component is larg with les ect to the waveform amplitude If so leset the VOLTS DIV contlol arld repeat steps 2 and 3 until the FaveforD and the zelo reference are...
Страница 25: ...ng of one cornplete cycle if desited l Cotuect the sigral to be nreasuredto the VERT INPUT jack Set the VOLTS DW and SWEEPTIME DIV conttols to obtain a no fia l diE lay of the wavetorln to be rieasured Be sule the sweeptioe VAR IABLE contlol is Eet to CAL Connect the signal to be measuled to the VERT INPUT jack Set the AC GND DC switch to AC Set the VOLTS DW and SWEEP TIME DW conttols to obtain a ...
Страница 26: ...E and calculating the flequency which equals the reciplocal of the tirne pedod 1 Set up the oscilloecope to display one cycle of wavelorh see Fig 8 Z Measure the tilDe period of one cycle a tld calculate the frequency as follows _ 1 lreq Peliod h the exaople shown in Fig 8 a peliod of 40 15 is obselved Substituting this value into the above equation the frequeDcy is calcu lated as follows The Eeas...
Страница 27: ...he measurer lent is surolralized bv the following equation No of cycles x 10 fo X10 MAG Ho div x SWEEP TIMEiDIV For the exataple showr itl Fig 9 there ale l0 cycles eithin 7 divisions If the SWEEP TIME DMS 5 lb and X10 MAG is not used the frequency is calculated as follows Fig 9 AlterDate Metbod of Frequency Measuredrent Freq 10 cycles 285 kHz div x 5 ts PUI SE VIDTII MEASUREMENTS Refe to Fig l0 1...
Страница 28: ...is haile in uxits lelative to the refelence signal RdatiY Voltage Meafl etEeota refer to Fig 11 1 Apply the lefelence signal to the INPUT iack and adjust the display for a norEal waveform display Adjust the veltical VOLTS DrV ald VARIABLE contlols so ihat the aEPlitude of the leference signal occupies a fixed number of divi sions Afte adjustiDgr be sue not to disturb the setting of the VARIABLE co...
Страница 29: ...or the reference wltdge The tmlalowtr oltoge lvlue will abo b ln rms but t Ie measwement holds true onty tf both the refercnce and l flonn ore undlstorted slne udvea Relative P liod MeastreDests lefer to Fig 12 1 Apply the reference signal to the VERT INPUT jack and adjust fo an easily observed waveforrD display Using tbe SWEEP TIME DIV and VARIABLE con tlols adjust one cycle of the reference sign...
Страница 30: ...s 1 143 which was ca luculatedas follows 1 5 kl z sweep coefficient 5 div x 0 1 ms div 1 143 For the exaEple in Fig 12 the widtb oI the unknown signal is divisiotls alld the preYi ously calculateil seeep coefficlent i5 1 143 If the SwEEP TIME DIV setting is 0 2 ms the peliod of the un lrown is 1 6 Ersi Phich was calculated as follows Unknoqn Petiod div x 0 2 ms div x 1 143 sweeP coef 1 6 Dls 0 Fig...
Страница 31: ...e SWEEP TIME DIV settidg If X10 MAc is used rnultiply this again by 1 10 The measuleoent is sumEarized by the following equation Time Ho div x SWEEP TIME DIV x 1 r0 if X10 MAG is used Fo the exaEple shown in Fig 13 the holizontal distance Exeasured is 4 4 divisions If the SWEEP TIME DrV is 0 2 ms arld X10 MAG is not used the time diflererce is calcu lated as follows TiDe 4 4 div x 0 2 ms div 0 88 ...
Страница 32: ...g eithe the ALT or CHOP Eode for ilua I trace dis lay Z Set the SOURCE switcb to the signal which is leading in phase aJrd use the VOL S DIV controls to adjuat the two wavefores so they a e equal itx am li tude 3 Use the vertical POSITION controls to position the raveforhs itt the veltical cente of the scleen Use the SWEEP TIME DW and VARIABLE controls to adjust tbe display so one cycle of the ref...
Страница 33: ...ifference 1 7 x 45o div 16 50 Metbod No 2 Refer to Fig 16 The above procedure allows 45o per divi sion which l 1ay not give the dlesired accuraqy fo small phase differe ces If greater accuracy is lequiled the SUTEEP TIME DrV setting oay be changed to expand the display as shown in Fig 16 but the VAR IABLE setting Eust not be touched If neces sart the trigge LEVEL tnay be readjusted For this t e of...
Страница 34: ...e The ariount of phase difference between the two signals can be caluclated flolrl the resulting Fig 17 TyPical X Y Phase Measurerhent Displays s t N E0 WhereC Phase 6nqle Fig 18 Phase Measurement X Y Operation Select X Y opelation by placing the TRIG MODE in the X Y position Connect the output of the test cilcuit to the oscillGcope X axis input a ndl set ho izontal sensitivity variable or dual tr...
Страница 35: ...est Connect the output of the test circuit to the Y axis verti cal input of the oscilloscope Set the sweep genelato to sweep the desiled band of flequencies Fo a typical audio f quency response oeasulement the generator is set to sweep flou 20 IIz to Connect tbe s reep larnp voltage of tbe sweep generator to the X axis horizotr tal i put of the oscilloscope Set the TRIGCER MODE switch to X Y and a...
Страница 36: ...lpnals to z5u Mttz MODEL PR 40 Io 1 DIRECT PROBE Standald replacerrent probe At l0 1 3dB bandwidth is 100 MHz with circuit loadine of l0 MQ and 18 pF At dilect bardwidti is 15 MHz with circuit Ioading oi I Mn and 100 pF Compensation lange is 15 to 40 pF Switch selects 10 1 or direct o glorijlds tbe tip via 9 M0 Supplied with four tipsi spling hook IC tip insulating tip and BNC adapter MODEL PR 3 D...
Страница 37: ... o 120 volt operation o 0 5 aEp for 220 or 240 olt opelation The fuse is located on the reai panel see Fig 2 CASE REMOVAL To redrove the top cover siEply lerlove the nine screw6 tbree froD top and tbtee frou each side ald lilt off the cover by tbe bandle The flont ol the top cover slides slightly rDdet the lip forroed by the frcdt panel bezel The bottorD cove tiay be siD Ually le Doved by removing...
Страница 38: ... V div sensitivity with probe set for di ect With plobe set for 10 1 there should be five divsions aEplitude at 10 mv div sensitivity The VARIABLE contlol E ust be set to CAL duling this check Repeat check fo cha nnel 1 and channel 2 on dua I tlace hodeI The PROBE ADJ stgnalmoyb uaedonlyos a generalcheckof colibrutionoccuracy not os a signol so rce for perfotming rccalibration odiustments o srgnol...
Страница 39: ...ractor or the factoly service department accompanied by proof of the pulchase date in the folm of a sales receipt o obtain rarranty covelage in tle U S A this product must be registered by cofipleting and mailing the enclosed wa ranty registlation card to DYNASCAN B K Precision 6460 West Coltland Street Chicago nlinois 60635 within fifteen 15 days from the date of pu chase ErcluJronsi this vcrront...
Страница 40: ...trlYNASCAN COF PTORATION 6460 WestCortland Street Chicago lllinois 60635 480 378 9 001 ...