ACB-100 Audio Control Board
Document IM-ACB-100-2.5
1997 Harding Instruments - Printed in Canada
MicroComm DXI
Intent & Scope
This document describes the installation procedure for the ACB-100 Audio Control Board.
2. Description
The ACB-100 Audio Control Board controls all the I/O cards in a MicroComm DXI card cage. It controls the
system’s audio switching and includes the system’s digital signal processors. Audio trunking between card
cages, which may be linked to form larger exchanges, is also made through the ACB.
Each audio control board may include up to two Digital Signal Processors (DSP) expansion modules. Each
expansion module provides two more DSPs. These DSPs are used to support additional I/O cards and special
functions such as Audio Level Alarms and conference calls. Digital audio trunk (CEPT) interfaces are available
for fiber optic and copper conductor networks
An Audio Control Board (ACB-100) must be located in the first card slot of each card cage.