Phone: 219/879-8000
P.O. Box 373 • Michigan City, IN 46361-0373, U.S.A.
Fax: 219/872-9057
e-mail: [email protected]
The Portable Series UF Sonicflow Flowmeters
are non-inva-
sive “transit time” ultrasonic flowmeters designed to help ser-
vice/maintenance and commissioning engineers to take quick,
accurate flow readings. Flow rates from 1.6 to 26 ft/sec (0.5 to 8
m/sec) of almost any clear or cloudy liquid can be measured with
±2% accuracy. Easy to install flow transducers mount directly to
a variety of pipe materials such as stainless steel, cast iron, duc-
tile iron, PVC, copper, and concrete with diameters of 2˝ to 15.75˝.
Switch on and press ENTER.
Select Quick Start- Press ENTER.
Dimension Units?- Scroll to select units required, press ENTER.
Pipe OD- Enter data, press ENTER.
Pipe Wall Thickness- Enter data, press ENTER.
Pipe Lining Thickness- Enter data, press ENTER. Enter Zero if
there is no lining on the application.
Select Wall Material- Select using scroll keys, press ENTER.
Select Lining Material- This will only be displayed if a lining thick-
ness has been entered. Select using scroll keys, press ENTER.
Select Fluid Type- Select using scroll keys, press ENTER.
This instrument selects the mode of operation using the data
entered and will display the following:
Attach Sensor set
in XXXX mode
Approx. max. flow:
XXX m/s
Press ENTER to continue
Or SCROLL to change mode
Fluid Temp? Press Enter to input the application temperature in
the units required °C or °F then press ENTER.
Now retract the sensor blocks back into the guide rail by turning
the locking nuts clockwise.
Apply grease to both sensor blocks as shown in (Figure 1),
attach to the pipe using the appropriate mounting hardware in
either Reflex or Diagonal Mode. Ensure the Guide rail itself is
free of grease.
Figure 1
Inverted view
of grease
applied to sen-
sor block.
Model UF35
Specifications and Operating Instructions
Bulletin F-UF35
1.6 to 26 ft/sec (0.5 to 8 m/s).
Pipe Range:
2˝ to 15.75˝ (50 to 400 mm) nominal bore.
± 2% of reading.
± 0.5% or ± 0.1 LPM (whichever is greater).
7-digit flow rate in GPM, LPM, LPS, m
/s, ft/sec and
m/s; 7-digit totalization in gallons, liters, or m
Display Resolution:
0.1% of reading.
Response Time:
< 2 seconds.
Operating Temperature:
32 to 113°F (0 to 45°C).
Storage Temperature:
-4 to 131°F (-20 to 125°C).
Transducer Operating Temperature:
-4 to 257°F (-20 to
Four AA rechargeable batteries.
Guide Rail Length:
15.6˝ x 1.3˝ x 1.7˝ (395 x 33 x 42 mm).
Cable Length:
6.5 feet (2 m).
ABS, IP55 rating.
17.5 oz (500 g) including transducers.
Connect the red and blue sensor cables to the electronics and
the guide rail assembly. The RED cable must be positioned
upstream to give a positive flow reading.
Figure 2- Sensor
For Reflex Mode attach the guide rail (Figure 3) to the pipe as
shown below. Turn the locking nut on the fixed transducer anti-
clockwise, screwing it down on to the pipe surface. No not over-
tighten, causing the guide rail to lift off the pipe.
Set the separation distance (Figure 3) by sliding the floating trans-
ducer along the scale until the front edge of the block is at the
recommended distance displayed by the electronics. Now turn
the locking nuts on both the floating and the fixed transducers
anti-clockwise, until they make finger tight contact with the pipe
surface. To mount the transducers in DIagonal Mode, refer to
(Figure 4).
Now press ENTER to read flow. Pressing the appropriate key on
the keypad can change flow units. An additional key press will
change the time scale of the reading- hr/min/sec.
Figure 3: Reflex Mode Operation
UF35 bulletin 6/13/03 10:50 AM Page 1