Operation manual - Spider ILD01G
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rev. 02-15-02-2017
The battery should be examined for cleanliness at regular intervals.
Read the Safety page.
Keep cell terminals and connectors free of dust and corrosion. Terminal corrosion may affect the performance of
the battery and could present a safety hazard. Should corrosion be observed, disconnect the battery, unbolt and
remove the connectors, and remove the corrosion by brushing the terminals and connectors with a dilute solution
of baking soda and water (sodium bicarbonate). Reapply an anti-oxidizing grease before reconnecting and bolting
the connectors. Always maintain proper records.
How to store yur battery.
To ensure our batteries safely reach their maximum shelf life, the average annual storage temperature should be
15°C. The short-term storage temperature must not exceed 25°C or battery life may be affected.
Remove the battery from the vehicle.
Find a cool, dry place to keep your battery.
Make sure the battery is fully charged and recharge it approximately every two months.
Clean any terminal corrosion may that affect the performance of the battery and could present a safety hazard.
Remove the corrosion by brushing the terminals and connectors with a dilute solution of baking soda and water
(sodium bicarbonate). Reapply an anti-oxidizing grease before reconnecting and bolting the connectors.
Test a battery
The best and easiest way to test a battery is using a voltmeter or multimeter to measure the voltage. Once you
know the exact voltage, use the table below to gauge the state of charge.
Battery Testing Chart with Status of Chart
Make sure the battery is charged
To ensure that the battery can supply its stated starting power, it first needs to be fully charged. The recommended
charging current is 10% of nominal capacity in amperes (e.g. a 4 Ah battery requires a 0.4A [Ampere] charging
current). We recommend that you ensure your battery is fully charged before fitment to ensure a long service life.