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IMPORTANT!! Great care should be observed when 
handling lithium-polymer (LiPo) batteries as they 
are entirely diff erent than NiCd or NiMH batteries!! 

Read all included instructions to ensure the proper operation, 
and avoid all possible causes of failure!

These batteries are intended for use with radio controlled models 
only. R/C applications vary too greatly to cover every possible use 
in these instructions. The user must accept the responsibility to 
make smart and safe decisions about their desired application to 
avoid possible abuse and misuse. Non-R/C uses are not intended 
nor approved.

By purchasing this product you agree that you have read and 
understood the safety precautions printed here and on each 
product, and agree to bear full responsibility for any injury, loss 
or damage resulting from all circumstances surrounding your 
use or misuse of this product. You agree not to hold DuraTrax, its 
distributors (owners and employees) and/or retailers responsible 
for any accidents, injury to persons, or property damage. You 
accept the responsibility for inspecting and detecting any signs 
of damage or defect before and after use and prior to charging 
and to discontinue use immediately if any such issue arises. If you 
do not agree to these terms of use, return the item in its original 
condition to the place of purchase.


  When Handling LiPo Batteries

 LiPo batteries can be damaged and CATCH FIRE 
if overcharged, shorted, damaged physically, or 

   Over-charging, using an incompatible charger, or charging 

a battery that was 

previously damaged

 either physically or 

electrically can result in a catastrophic failure of the battery in 
the form of swelling, emission of smoke, and FIRE.

   Over-discharging a LiPo (to a voltage lower than its rated 

minimum voltage) can damage a LiPo internally – even without 
the damage being visible in any way. Yet, a catastrophic failure 
(FIRE) could occur when attempting to re-charge the battery later.

   LiPo failures are often a result of 

human error

. Reading and 

understanding these instructions is CRUCIAL for avoiding 
problems, and to ensure personal safety and the protection 
of the surroundings.

Glossary – Understanding Terms

PACK:  Multiple battery cells connected together electronically 
form a pack.

VOLTAGE:  A way to rate a battery’s energy 


. Individual 

LiPo cells have a nominal voltage rating of 3.70V per cell, with a 
maximum charge voltage of 4.20V per cell. A pack marked “11.1V” 
has a nominal voltage rating of 11.1V, etc. The more cells wired in 
series, the higher the voltage. See page 2 for a listing of diff erent 
size LiPo packs and voltages.

CAPACITY:  A way to rate a battery’s maximum energy 

storage limit

typically listed in “mAh” (milliamp-hours) and being the amount 
of energy the battery can deliver constantly over a period of one 
hour. Capacity rating is typically a way to gauge how much run 
time a battery can provide. The greater the rated capacity, the 
longer the run time.

C-RATING:  A multiple of the battery’s capacity rating, calculated 
as the battery’s rated milliamp-hours (mAh) divided by 1000. 
C-ratings are used to establish various limits for a LiPo battery, 
such as a battery’s maximum charge and discharge current values. 
A battery rated at 2100mAh (1C = 2.1A) with a maximum charge 
rating of 3C could be charged at (2.1A x 3) 6.3 amps. A battery rated 
at 3200mAh with a maximum discharge rating of “25C” should be 
able to deliver (3.2A x 25) 80 amps of current during discharge.

7.4 V 5000 mAh

7.4 V 5000 mAh

Series Connection:

Example total = 14.8V 5000 mAh

SERIES PACK CONFIGURATIONS “S”:  Electrically connecting 
multiple cells 


 places cells in “series”, with the resulting 

total pack voltage being the SUM of all cell voltages. Connecting 
packs in series is usually done to deliver more power (torque and/
or speed) to the motor. A 3-series LiPo pack (3S) would have a total 
nominal voltage of (3 x 3.7V) 11.1V. A 4S pack has a total nominal 
pack voltage of (4 x 3.7V) 14.8V, etc. Connecting two 7.4V batteries 
in series will result in an overall voltage of 14.8V. Do not connect 
multiple packs together in series unless each has the same rated 
capacity (regardless of the rated voltage of each pack).

14.8V 4200 mAh

14.8V 4200 mAh

Parallel Connection:

Example total = 14.8V 8400 mAh

PARALLEL PACK CONFIGURATIONS “P”:  Electrically connecting 
multiple cells 


 places cells in “parallel”, with the resulting 

total pack voltage being identical to the rated voltage of each 
individual battery (not the sum of all battery voltages). However, 
the resulting total CAPACITY is the sum of all battery capacities. 
Connecting two 14.8V 4200mAh packs in parallel would result in 
a total voltage of 14.8V (same as each pack), but the total capacity 
would be 8400 mAh (total of both pack capacities). Connecting 
packs in parallel is usually done to lengthen the run-time of the 
model. Do not connect packs of diff erent voltage ratings together 
in parallel.


