Dukane Projection System (DPS)
Models, DPS1, DPS2, and DPS3
Data/Video Projector
( Many models to choose from).
Ceiling mount
with all necessary items included.
25-ft. Plenum cables
with connectors attached
for quick and easy hook up to a computer,
VCR/DVD, Player and document camera.
Plastic wall conduit
to conceal the cabling
from ceiling to the desktop.
VCR/DVD combo
with tuner to play DVD’s, CD’s,
tapes, or tune in TV channels.
Ceiling speaker array
and amp, or
external speakers.
Document camera,
Camera 101 or 202 to
capture and display scenes in the classroom or
conference room.
cable to act as a theft deterrent.
110VAC power strip
for the PC, VCR/DVD,
and document camera.
Electrical receptacles
in the ceiling mount.
DPS includes all of the following
The Dukane Projection System, DPS,
has 3 models each
which provides all the necessary components for a dealer or
in-house staff member to install a data/video projector in a
suspended ceiling in less than 60 minutes. The result is a sav-
ings for the school, church, or business.
The versions are the DPS1, DPS2 and DPS3. Each contain
all the basic components for the complete installation. The
is the basic configuration with a LCD projector, DVD-
VCR combination player, a video (document) camera, stereo
speakers, the ceiling mount unit, and all the cables, connec-
tors, etc. to complete the installation.
adds a sound system that contains a separate
amplifier and a ceiling mounted speaker array. This provides
a complete permanent sound source for the room. It can also
be combined with an optional microphone to provide voice
augmentation for the speaker.
is a further upgrade in the image properties.
Here the projector resolution is increased to that of XGA,
1024 x 768, and an equally high XGA resolution tabletop
camera (Camera 202) is provided. This permits extremely
sharp viewing of documents and objects. The advance audio
system with the amp and ceiling speaker array is also includ-
continued on next page . . .
Form #11543-B-03
Audio Visual Products
DPS 1 Typical Layout
The DPS ceiling
mount is for sus-
pended ceilings
(drop ceilings) with
either standard 2 x 2
ft. or 2 x 4 ft. ceiling
tiles. The mount fits in a
2 x 2 ft. ceiling panel
space and is secured simi-
lar to the way the suspend-
ed ceiling is attached. The mount
has an adjustable angle plate that
carries the projector. One end of the plate
can be quickly released so it will swing
down permitting easy access to service the projector filters or for
lamp replacement. This can be done without the need to disconnect
any of the input cables.
Ceiling Mount
Ceiling location Connection
In room access Other items
m e t h o d
i t e m s
Ceiling Mount
IR Remote Control
LCD Projector
Plenum Cables DVD-VCR Player
Outlet strip
Security lock
Camera 101/202 Adapters
Speaker array
Plenum Cable
Wall conduit
System Configuration