Appendix B: Communicator Format Options
• BPS Formats - 0 is not valid in Account or Rep Code (A must be used).
Depending on the pulse format, the panel communicates using the following: 3/1, 3/2, 4/1 or 4/2, 1400 or 2300 Hz handshake, 10 or 20 bits per second, non-extended.
Digit “0” sends no pulses and is used as a filler. When programming account numbers enter four digits. When programming a three digit account number, the fourth
digit must be programmed as a “0” which will act as a filler digit. If an account number has a “0” in it, substitute a HEX digit “A” for the “0.”
• 3 digit account number [123]- program [1230]
• 3 digit account number [502] - program [5A20]
• 4 digit account number [4079] - program [4A79]
Two digits must be entered when programming reporting codes. If one digit reporting codes are used, the second digit must be programmed as “0”. If “0” is to be
transmitted, substitute a HEX digit “A” for the “0”.
• 1 digit reporting code [3] - program [30]
• 2 digit reporting code [30] - program [3A]
To prevent the panel from reporting an event, program the reporting code for the event as [00] or [FF].
Private Line (Eastern EU)
The private line format allows the communication of zone alarms directly to a user over a telephone line. When an event occurs that the panel is programmed to commu-
nicate, the panel seizes the line and dials the programmed telephone number(s). The panel then emits a double beep on the line every 3 seconds, regardless of what is hap-
pening on the phone line; it may still be ringing, sounding a busy tone, etc. The double beep indicates to the user receiving the call that the control panel is calling. The
user must acknowledge the call by pressing 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 0, * or # from any touchtone telephone. The panel will wait for this acknowledgement for the duration
of the post dial wait for handshake timer (40 seconds).
The panel will then indicate which zone is in alarm by sounding a corresponding number of beeps (e.g. 3 beeps for zone 3). The user must then press a key to acknowl-
edge the alarm. If the panel has another alarm to communicate, it will sound a corresponding number of beeps for the new zone alarm. The user must then press a key to
acknowledge the signal. When there are no further alarms, the panel will hang up.
Only alarm events are supported by Private Line. It's likely the panel will be unable to decode DTMF digits from some cell phones, and this feature will not
operate correctly as a result.