Section 12: Communications Programming
All options concerning communications can be programmed in the following sections, including telephone numbers, report-
ing codes, account numbers, communicator toggle options and miscellaneous communicator options.
By default, the
Comm Enabled
toggle option is on to enable communications. To disable communications, enter reference
number [000401]. “Comm Enabled” will appear on the display. Press [*] to toggle the option to [N]o. If disabled, no reporting
codes will be transmitted to the central station. Note that downloading can still be accomplished with the communicator dis-
12.1 Telephone Numbers
Ref #: [000400XX00] where XX = telephone number 00-02
The control panel can call up to three different telephone
numbers when reporting any event to a central station.
The first telephone number is the control panel’s primary
number for communicating with the central station. The
second and third numbers can be used as backup num-
bers in case the first or second numbers fail to communi-
cate; the numbers can also be used to communicate to a
: A dial tone search must be included in order
for a telephone number to be backed up by the
To program each telephone number, enter reference
number [000400XX] (where XX = [00], [01] or [02] for
each of the three telephone numbers).
Enter the communicator telephone number the way you
would dial it on a telephone. The maximum number of
digits (including dial tone searches and pauses) is 31.
Special characters can be added to the telephone number
in order to perform designated functions. Press the [*]
key to enter the telephone entry options menu. The five
options are as follows:
[0] Save:
This can be selected for the telephone number
to be stored into the panel’s memory, or simply press
[#] when finished entering the telephone number.
[1] Dial tone search:
This character will force the panel
to search for a dial tone at that point in the telephone
number. A “D” on the display represents a dial tone
search. A dial tone search is already programmed as
the first digit for each telephone number.
[2] Pause 2 Seconds:
This will add a 2-second pause to
the dialing sequence, represented by the letter “A” on
the display.
[3] Pause 4 Seconds:
will add a 4-second pause to
the dialing sequence, represented by the letter “E” on
the display.
[4] DTMF [*]:
This will add an asterisk to the telephone
number, represented by a “B” on the display. The
dialer will output the same frequencies as the touch-
tone [*] key. This character is frequently required to
disable call waiting.
[5] DTMF [#]:
This will add a “#” to the telephone num-
ber, represented by the letter “C” on the display. The
dialer will output the same frequencies as the touch-
tone [#] key. In some instances, this character is used
to disable call waiting.
12.2 Account Numbers
When a reporting code is sent to the central station, a 4-
digit account code is also sent to identify the system or
partition to the central station. Each partition has its own
account code. The system account code is required for
reporting codes that do not pertain to a particular parti-
tion, such as module tampers, global keypad alarms or
maintenance reporting codes.
6-digit account codes are available when the SIA FSK
communication format is used. To enable 6-digit account
codes turn on the “6 digit Acct” communicator toggle
option (ref# [000401], scroll to option).
System Account Code
Ref #: [00040003]
Enter four digits and record them into your Program-
ming Worksheets for future reference. The default sys-
tem account code is [FFFF] (4-digit) or [FFFFFF] (6-digit).
Partition Account Codes
Ref #: [0100XX00] where XX = partition number
The partition account code is programmed in the Parti-
tion programming section. Enter four digits and record
them into your Programming Worksheets for future ref-
erence. The default for each partition account code is
[FFFF] (4-digit) or [FFFFFF] (6-digit).
12.3 Dialing Parameters
DTMF Attempts
Ref #: [00040200]
This section is used to program the number of attempts
using DTMF dialing before switching to pulse dialing.
Enter three digits from 000 to 255 attempts. If the DTMF
Dialing option is disabled, the panel will always pulse or
rotary dial.
12.4 Communicator Toggle Options
Ref #: [000401]
The following options determine how the panel will
communicate. Use the [*] key to toggle each option on or
Communications Enabled
: If disabled, no reporting
codes will be transmitted to the central station. Note
that downloading can still be accomplished with the
communicator disabled. (Default = Y)
DTMF Dialing
: If enabled, the dialer will use DTMF
dialing. The panel can switch to pulse dialing after the
programmed number of DTMF dialing attempts have
failed. If disabled, the panel will use pulse dialing.
(Default = Yes)