3.4 Programming Hexadecimal Data
Hexadecimal or “Hex” digits are often required for a
programming item, such as telephone numbers and
reporting codes. To insert a Hex digit into a given entry,
press the [*] key to enter the Hex menu. Use the arrow
keys to scroll through the each Hex digits (A through F).
When the desired letter is displayed, press the [*] key.
Hex digits can also be entered by pressing [*] key fol-
lowed by the number from 1-6 corresponding to each
Hex letter (A = 1, B = 2, C = 3, up to F = 6). Once the digit
is entered, the control panel will automatically return to
the decimal programming mode.
For example, to enter data ‘ABCD’ on a PC4020 you
would enter: [*], [1], [*], [2], [*], [3], [*], [4]
3.5 Programming Toggle Options
Many programming items are toggle options that are
either enabled or disabled. Use the arrow keys (< >) to
scroll through the toggle options. Press the [*] key to
switch back and forth between [Y]es (enabled) and [N]o
(disabled). Once all the toggle options have been pro-
grammed, press the [#] key to save your changes and
return to the previous menu.