Section 4: Programming Options
Section 4: Programming
This section provides descriptions of all alarm controller
options, both programmable and read-only. Programming
options are accessed through the Installer portal.
4.1 Integrated Keypad Options
This section describes programmable options for the
iotega’s integrated keypad.
Keypad Lockout Attempt
Keypad Lockout is a security measure designed to prevent
unauthorized attempts to access the security system by lim-
iting the number of attempts to enter a valid access code.
Once the maximum number of attempts is reached, no func-
tions can be performed on the keypad for 5 minutes (Lock-
out Duration).
If the maximum number of invalid attempts is not reached
within one hour, or if a valid access code is entered, the
counter is reset.
0 (disabled)
Valid range:
0 to 255
Keypad Partition Assignment
This section is used to select the partition that the built-in
keypad will operate on.
Valid range:
Fire Button Options
This function is used to enable or disable the Fire [F] button
on the integrated keypad. When enabled, pressing and hold-
ing the [F] button for 2 seconds triggers a Fire alarm. The sys-
tem sounds 3 beeps to acknowledge the valid alarm and the
siren sounds with a pulsing tone. An alarm reporting code is
transmitted to the central monitoring station.
Valid range:
Enabled, Disabled
Auxiliary Button Options
This function is used to enable or disable the Auxiliary [A]
button on the integrated keypad. When enabled, pressing
and holding the [A] button for 2 seconds sends an emer-
gency alarm reporting code to the central monitoring station.
When the emergency reporting code is received, the keypad
beeps 10 times.
Valid range:
Enabled, Disabled
Panic Button
This function is used to enable or disable the Panic [P] but-
ton on the integrated keypad. When enabled, pressing and
holding the [P] button for 2 seconds sends an emergency
alarm reporting code to the central monitoring station.
Valid range:
Enabled, Disabled
Internal Buzzer Control
This option is used to set the tone of the internal buzzer. The
tnoe ranges from lowest (1) to highest (15). Programming (0)
turns off the buzzer.
Valid range:
Keypad Lockout Duration
This section displays the length of time that the integrated
keypad remains locked after the programmed number of
access code attempts has been exceeded.
5 minutes
Valid range:
Quick Arming /Function Key
When this option is enabled, [*][0] arming and Stay/Away
function keys may be used to arm the system without enter-
ing a valid access code.
When this option is disabled, [*][0] arming is not permitted.
All arming functions require the entry of an access code to
activate (including Stay/Away keys).
Valid range:
Keypad Blanking
When this option is enabled, if no keys are pressed for 30
seconds, all keypad lights except backlighting (if enabled)
are shut off until the next keypress, entry delay, audible
alarm or keypad buzzer condition.
Keypad function keys still operate when the keypad is blank,
unless the function key is programmed to require an access
code. Keypad Blanking While Armed overrides this feature.
When a partition is armed and in alarm, entering a code to
remove blanking silences the alarm and disarms the system.
When this option is disabled, the keypad lights remain on at
all times.
Valid range:
Ready LED Flashes for Force Arm
When this option is enabled, if a force arm capable zone is
tripped, partition keypads flash the ready LED in the dis-
armed state instead of illuminating it steadily. If a non-force
arm-capable zone is tripped, the ready LED turns off.
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