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This product has been designed for all types of hearing 

instruments, including hearing aids, noise maskers, ear 

monitors,  ear  buds,  amplifi ers,  and  implant  equipment. 

Used daily, it can help most hearing instruments 

sound  better,  last  longer,  and  perform  more  reliably. 

Technology exclusive to Dry & Store removes damaging 

moisture, dries earwax, captures odours, and in high-

humidity  conditions,  can  also  extend  zinc  air  battery  life. 

Additionally, the DryMax-UV model improves comfort by 

killing the bacteria that are the most common cause of skin 

irritation among hearing device users.

Before Your First Use 


1.  Activate the desiccant: A disposable “Dry-Brik



which should be replaced every month, is included. The

Dry-Brik performs three important functions: (1) to 

permanently remove the moisture molecules that are 

released from the devices during the drying cycle, (2) to 

drive the relative humidity inside the box to a much lower 

level than is possible with just a heater, thus maximizing 

the drying capability, and (3) to capture odours.

  To activate the Dry-Brik Mini, 

remove the foil cover. Do not remove 

the foil until you are ready to use the 

Dry-Brik, because once it is removed 

the Dry-Brik will begin adsorbing 


2.  Record the activation date: To alert 

you when it is time for replacement, 

a card is attached to each Dry-Brik. 

Write the date that the Dry-Brik was 

placed in service on this card.

NOTE: To ensure maximum 

performance, change the 

Dry-Brik Mini every month.

3.  Place the activated Dry-Brik Mini 

in your unit, as shown in Figure 3.

4. Connect the AC adapter: The 

micro-USB plug fits into the rear 

of  the  unit.  Do  not  force;  it  should 

slide in easily. Finally, plug the AC adapter into an active 

electrical outlet. 

Operating Instructions



This product is for household use. When using electrical 

products, especially when children are present, basic safety 

precautions should always be followed, including:
DANGER – To reduce the risk of electrocution:

•  Do not use while bathing.

•  Do not place or store product where it can fall or be 

pulled into a tub or sink.

•  Do not place in or drop into water or other liquid.

•  Do not reach for this device if it has fallen into water. 

Unplug immediately.

WARNING – To reduce the risk of burns, electrocution, fi re, 

or injury to persons:

•  Closely  supervise  use  of  the  product  by,  on  or  near 

children or disabled individuals.

•  Use this product only for its intended use as described 

in this manual.

•  Never operate this product if it has a damaged cord or 

plug, if it is not working properly, if it has been dropped 

or damaged, or dropped into water. Return it to the 

place of purchase or service center for examination 

and repair.

•  Never place the product on a soft surface such as a bed. 

Keep any air openings free of lint, hair, and the like.

•  Do not use outdoors or operate where aerosol (spray) 

products are being used or where oxygen is being 


•  The  AC  adapter  included  with  your  unit  is  made 

specifi cally for this product. Do not use it with another 

appliance, and do not use an adapter from any other 

electrical device in its place.

•  DryMax-UV only: The lamp illuminates only when the 

lid is closed in order to prevent exposure to the UV-C 

light. Do not modify any components to override this 

safety feature. Do not look directly at the UV-C lamp 

while  illuminated.  If  the  lamp  shatters,  unplug  the 

appliance immediately. Do not use until the appliance 

has  been  repaired  by  an  authorized  service  center. 

Wear  gloves  when  contacting  any  glass  particles. 

Dispose of properly. 

NOTE: This product is not designed to diagnose, 

prevent, monitor, treat, or alleviate disease.


The operating temperature of this appliance is a range 

of  95°  to  104° F  (35°- 40° C).  This  appliance  will  function 

properly  at  indoor  ambient  temperatures  from  65°- 86°  F 

(18°-  30° C).

Some models do not contain a germicidal lamp. If this applies to your appliance, disregard any instruction or comment that refers to “germicidal”, “blue light”, 

“ultraviolet”, “UV”, “UV-C”, or “lamp”.




DM / DM-UV INSTR (ENG) 0718 Rev B
