Exp o rt Co n tro lle d – S e e P a g e 3
Rev D
Page 132 of 234
ARMOR X10gx Tablet Computer
Figure 77. ARMORUtils Event Recorder Window
Lo g File n a m e
The filename that appears in the Log Filename field when you first open the Event Recorder
window is the default log file in the ARMORutils application folder. You can use this default
log filename or enter a new filename. You can also click on the
button to select
from other stored files or create a different folder to store your files.
“Ove rwrite Exis tin g File ” Op tio n
If you start a new logging session, the data will be appended to the existing file shown in the
Log Filename field by default. If you want to save your logging as a different file, enter the
new filename. If you want your new log file to overwrite a displayed filename, check the
Overwrite Existing File option. You can browse to select a file already created or you can
create a new file and/or folder.
“Re c o rd On ly Wh e n Da ta Ch a n g e s ” Op tio n
The Event Recorder program normally logs a line of data every 6 seconds. This can result in
a very large file if the logging runs for long periods of time. The file size can be reduced