Exp o rt Co n tro lle d – S e e P a g e 3
Rev D
Page 114 of 234
ARMOR X10gx Tablet Computer
Ba c klig h t S e tu p Dia lo g
The Backlight Setup dialog window allows you to adjust the screen brightness manually or
automatically and to select from a series of preset profiles to automatically restrict the
brightness range under specific lighting conditions.
Figure 63. ARMORutils Backlight Setup Dialog
Au to m a tic Brig h tn e s s Mo d e
The Automatic brightness mode is initially activated by default. Automatic brightness adjustment
is controlled by the ambient light sensor (ALS) located on the indicator panel on the front of your
X10gx tablet. The ALS monitors the surrounding (ambient) light level and automatically adjusts
the backlight level to maintain the same relative screen brightness. For example, if you are
working in an office near a window and someone opens the blinds, the surrounding light will
suddenly increase. The ALS will measure the increase in light level and automatically increase
your screen and indicator brightness to compensate.
Unlike Manual mode, where you can vary the brightness across a much larger adjustment
range, in Automatic mode, the total range of brightness adjustment is smaller and is determined
by the selected Automatic Mode Profile.