07-00356D F228
Legend Brands, Inc.
’s Manual
WolfPack Drying System
Model F228, F228-230V
Legend Brands, Inc.
15180 Josh Wilson Road, Burlington, WA USA 98233
Phone US: 800 -932-3030 Fax: 360-757-7950 LegendBrandsRestoration.com
on selecting a new WolfPack Dry-
ing System from Dri-Eaz Products. It is our goal to
offer you the best available products and tools for
restorative drying. We invite your written appraisal
and suggestions for improvements. Reading this
information will help you achieve maximum benefit
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ing your equipment and to contact you in case we
have important safety information concerning your
Dri-Eaz product. If you determine service is re-
quired, have your equipment model, serial number
and original proof of purchase available and call
your distributor for assistance with obtaining a re-
turn material authorization (RMA).
The WolfPack Drying System provides an efficient
method for drying hardwood floors. This tool, used
in conjunction with the Dri-Eaz AirWolf, utilizes CFM
and static pressure as a means of injecting air un-
derneath and into the flutes of the hardwood floor.
Air movement within the flutes accelerates the dry-
ing process and helps in preserving the floor.
The WolfPack Drying System consists of the follow-
ing parts: (3) 24-inch TurboVents, (1) boot/duct at-
tachment connecting the AirWolf to the first Vent,
(4) 30-inch ducting pieces with built-in hose clamps
to connect additional Vents, (6) L-channels that
preserve air pressure in spaces between and be-
side the Vents, (9) drywall screws for attaching
Vents to the structure, (1) 4-inch inlet duct attach-
ment, (1) T-joint for maneuvering Vents, (1) duct
connector to connect two ducting pieces together,
(1) 10’ gasket to seal the end of the TurboVent, and
(1) carry-all duffel bag with wheels.
To plan the job, consider
the direction of the boards,
and the best location for
the Vents.
Air must travel
in the direction of the
boards to achieve effi-
cient drying
. Remove
baseboards and moldings
as needed to expose the
expansion gap along the end of the boards, and
allow the Vent openings to fit flush against the in-
stallation surface. The AirWolf must be unplugged
and turned off while attaching the Vents.
Place WolfPack Drying System Vents in-line and
firmly into position. Place Vents up to 10 inches
apart, with a piece of L-channel between the Vents.
A combination of one to three Vents will cover a
linear area between 24 and 118 inches. Be sure
each Vent is in the correct position with the air
opening facing down. Use as many of the Vents as
needed to sufficiently dry the floor.
To maintain good air pressure and keep air leakage
to a minimum, place the L-channels so that the
bend fits snug into the gaps between the floor and
wall. L-channels should be installed between and
beside Vents so that the Vent overlaps the L-
channel a minimum of 2 inches.
Fasten each WolfPack Drying System Vent to a
wall using drywall or similar screws through the
mounting holes on each end of the Vent. When fas-
tening, angle the screws downward so they enter
the sill plate. Installation of the Vents should se-
curely fasten L-channels to the floor. The holes
made by the screws
will be covered when
you replace the base-
board or cove base. If
too much air leaks
from the middle of the
top of the Vent, insert
a screw tightly against
the top (as shown), so
the shaft of the screw presses down and the head
presses in.