The instructions outlined here
describe how to use ENERFOAM™
Professional Foam Sealant to fill
gaps and cracks around the home.
Designed to fill gaps up to 3" (75
mm), ENERFOAM™ Professional
Foam Sealant expands to take the
shape of cracks and voids, forming
a permanent, airtight and water-
resistant bond to vinyl, wood and
metal surfaces.* Once cured, it
remains soft and flexible, permitting
natural expansion and contraction
of surrounding surfaces.
To determine the amount of
ENERFOAM™ Professional Foam
Sealant required for an application,
see Table 1.
P r e Pa r at i o n
1. Read and follow the Safety and
Conditions of Use instructions
below. Wear gloves, safety
glasses or goggles and
long sleeves. Provide good
ventilation and eliminate all
sources of ignition.
2. Shake can vigorously for 1
minute before dispensing and
between uses.
Gun-applied version:
Invert can
and screw foam dispensing gun
assembly firmly onto valve as
shown in Figure 1. Screw until
finger-tight; do not overtighten
(Figure 2). When changing cans
using the foam dispensing gun,
tighten the flow control knob
before removing the empty can
(Figure 3). Use gun cleaner,
acetone or other adhesive
remover to remove any residual
foam from the attachment area
before attaching fresh can.
Straw-applied version:
Attach the nozzle by twisting it
clockwise into the valve.
installation information . commercial/residential
installation recommendations for
enerFoaM™ Professional Foam Sealant
®™Trademark of The Dow Chemical Company (“Dow”) or an affiliated company of Dow
*For cavities, cracks and penetrations larger than 3" (75 mm), Dow recommends FROTH-PAK™ Foam Sealant or FROTH-PAK™ FS Foam Insulation. For window and door framework, minimal-expanding GREAT STUFF PRO™
Window & Door Insulating Foam Sealant is proven not to distort or bow the framework, when properly applied.
table 1: eStiMated YieldS For
enerFoaM™ ProFeSSional FoaM Sealant
CAN SIzE, Oz (G)
24 (680)
Reusable straw
775 (236)
24 (680)
970 (296)
30 (850)
1,450 (442)
(1) Estimated yield under ideal conditions, 3/8" (1 cm) bead.
Figure 1
Figure 2
Figure 3