Cleaning the bike
Maintaining your DOUZE V2 cargo bike in a proper condition starts with regular cleaning of
the various parts which compose it. Cleaning is all the more important during the winter
season, during snowy conditions, if salt has been spread over the road.
Even though your V2 works well in all climatic conditions, except for the
most extreme (storms, black ice, hail, etc.), ensure to shelter it as much
as possible from bad weather, in order to conserve the frame and the
various components.
The integral rain cover accessory supplied for your V2 allows your bike to
be protected from adverse weather, if you have no other choice than to
store it outside.
Never clean your DOUZE V2 by means of a high-pressure water jet, as
this risks damaging the bike, particularly the motor components. This
type of damage invalidates the warranty.
Your cargo bike can be cleaned with soapy water and a soft cloth, then
rinsed with clear water.
Battery maintenance
Storing the battery
Your battery should neither remain completely discharged nor completely charged over any
prolonged storage period. If completely discharged, do not wait more than 24 hours before
recharging it.
If you do not foresee using your cargo bike for a prolonged period, it is important to
observe a certain number of recommendations to conserve it:
your battery must not be charged to 100%, when the cells could be damaged, the
ideal charging level being between 50% and 70%;
choose a storage site in a temperate place, cool and sheltered from frost, the ideal
storage temperature being 10 degrees;
regularly check the battery capacity has not fallen too much and recharge, if this is
the case.
DOUZE Cycles - V2 Manual - Feb 2021