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Proper protection, such as gloves, eye wear, and aprons, are recommended when disassembling a Dosatron.
Step 3:
You should see the liquid begin moving up the suction
hose. If you don’t see liquid moving up the hose or you didn’t
feel suction on your finger, turn the water off. Open a valve
downstream to release the pressure.
Step 2:
Then, check to see if you feel suction on your finger.
If so, just cut 1/2” off your suction hose and reattach.
To service your Dosatron D45RE15, you will need a strap
wrench, a # 1 and 2 phillips head screw driver, a flat blade screw
driver and needle nose pliers.
Step 1:
To begin, make sure the strainer is clear of debris. While
the unit is still installed, turn the water on. Unscrew and remove
the suction hose nut and hose.
D45RE15 Troubleshooting - Part 1
This D45RE15 Troubleshooting will cover: The injector is clicking, but not drawing
solution or liquid is going down into the stock tank.
Scan the QR code to
watch our D45RE15 -
Troubleshooting video.
Tool Kit
Check valve spring
Check valve seal
Check valve cone
Actuator Springs (2)
TOOL01 Strap Wrench