WN 059722 45532 – 2019-03
System manual
Mini, Basic und Standard
1.3 Other applicable documents:
2.2 General safety instructions
Emergency button with connected key
3.4 Extension of the SafeRoute® system
RS232 interface at the SCU (available
from Basic license)
4.1 Requirements for mounting a SafeRoute®
Requirements for fire and smoke
protection doors
DCW® bus addressing (door entry
5.1 Put the SafeRoute® system into operation
SCU-UP and SCU-TL as SafeRoute®
Control Unit
SCU-DR as SafeRoute® Control Unit
(from Basic license)
5.2 Parameterization with TMS Soft® (from Basic
5.3 Handover of the documentation to the facility
Status query of a configured unit
6.1 Querying the status of an SCU-UP/SCU-TL
6.2 Querying the status of an SCU-DR
7.1 Illuminated ring display in case of alarm and
Replacement and removal of components
8.1 Replace non-safety related DCW® components
8.2 Remove non-safety related DCW® components
8.3 Replace/remove safety-related DCW®
8.4 Update internal DCW® table
8.4 Reset configuration to factory settings
10 Disassembly, recycling and disposal