1. Machine identifier
2. Time
3. Programme name
4. Programme length
5. Maximum programme temperature
6. Price for the minimum programme time
7. Total number of programmes
(max. 16)
8. Side browser arrows
9. Active button
: payment may be made in this first screen. When the cost of the programme has
been reached, the price disappears and the colour of the button changes to green, a tick is
displayed instead of the price, indicating that the programme is ready to be run. If the user
continues to insert coins, the time available will be updated with respect to the extra time - price
of each programme ratio.
Press a programme button to go to “
Selection Screen 2
– Payment
On completion of a programme, the machine returns directly to this screen.
As mentioned above, the machines can be configured, programmed, and used as an OPL machine. To
do so, activate the key which is in the upper part of the machines and enter the password (1234). This
operating mode is called ‘’Credit Mode’’.
This screen contains the same information as the ‘Selection screen 1 - Buttons’’, but only for the
selected programme. The extra time - price of selected programme ratio is also displayed. The start
button is displayed in brown until the correct amount has been inserted. When the programme amount
has been inserted, a large “Start” button is displayed in green.