Regularly check live cables for insulation faults,
breaks, rodent damage, weathering and that all
connections are tight and corrosion free.
Regularly check the surface of the solar panels
for cracks and missing or defective components.
For maximum performance keep the solar panel
free of dirt and shading, e.g. dust and leaves.
Clean the solar panels with a soft, damp cloth or
Occasionally check the sealing of the roof duct
for any damage.
Possible cause
Suggested remedy
The solar system does not work
(no power output).
Insulation faults, breaks or loose
connections at the live cables.
Check live cables for insulation faults,
breaks or loose connections.
Pull out the fuse on the solar charger and
check the solar panel voltage (VoC) on the
solar charger.
If you cannot find an error, contact an autho-
rized service agent.
Faulty solar charger.
Replace the solar charger.
The solar system does not work
properly (low power output).
Objects or dirt are blocking out
Check for obstructions and ensure that the
solar panels are not blocked by shadows.
Move the vehicle to a more suitable loca-
Remove any dirt.
Overheating of the solar pan-
Allow the solar panels to cool down.
Move the vehicle to a more suitable loca-
Ensure sufficient air circulation around the
solar panels.
One solar panel in the array
Pull out the fuse on the solar charger and
check the solar panel voltage (VoC) on the
solar charger.
Check the solar panels for micro cracks.
Check the solar panel for delamination.
Replace the solar panel if necessary.