STM 431J – Scavenger Transmitter Module
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STM 431J User Manual | v2.0 | Nov 2017 | Page 21/ 34
Radio telegram
Normal operation – standard and enhanced security mode
In normal operation 431J transmit telegram data according to the selected EEP or GP.
(EnOcean Equipment Profile). In case of STM 431J is in enhanced security mode this tele-
gram is encrypted according the selected SLF.
For details please refer to the EnOcean Equipment Profiles specification.
Teach-in telegram - standard and enhanced security mode
In case of a wake-up via WAKE1 pin (LRN input) the module transmits a teach-in telegram.
If the manufacturer code is not set, the module transmits a normal telegram according
to 2.9.1 with the difference that DI_3=0.
If a manufacturer code is set, this teach-in telegram contains special information as de-
scribed below.
With this special teach-in telegram it is possible to identify the manufacturer of a device
and the function and type of a device. The following EnOcean Equipment Profiles are sup-
ported by STM 431J. They have to be selected according to the availability of external oc-
cupancy button and set point control by the method described in 2.8:
A5-02-05 Temperature sensor 0-40 °C (default)
A5-10-03 Temperature sensor 0-40 °C, set point control
A5-10-05 Temperature sensor 0-40 °C, set point, and occupancy control
If a HSM 100 module is plugged onto the connector in addition the following EEPs are sup-
A5-04-01 Temperature and humidity sensor 0-40 °C and 0-100% r.h.
A5-10-10 Temperature and humidity sensor 0-40 °C and 0-100% r.h.,
set point control, and occupancy control
A5-10-12 Temperature and humidity sensor 0-40 °C and 0-100% r.h., set point control
For details please refer to the EnOcean Equipment Profiles specification.
If Generic Profiles was selected then in teach-in mode Generic Profiles Teach-in request is
transmitted. Please refer to the Generic Profiles Specification for details [8].
Secure radio telegram
The STM 431J can be operated in:
Standard mode – no enhanced security is used. This is the common operation mode,
originally available. This is also the default factory mode.
Security mode – communication is protected by enhanced security features. This
mode was added later in module evolution.
Switching between modes
STM 431J can be switched from normal mode to secure mode and vice versa by long press
of the LRN Button (Wake 1).
The behaviour of the LRN button is following: