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Affirmative Marketing Handbook: A Guide to

Integrated Housing

Judy Wunker

Northwestern Indiana Regional Planning Commission

Wilma Scott

Fair Housing Center of Home Investments Fund

Donald L. DeMarco

Village of Park Forest

Dudley Onderdonk

Village of Park Forest

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Wunker, Judy; Scott, Wilma; DeMarco, Donald; Onderdonk, Dudley. Affirmative Marketing Handbook: A Guide to Integrated
Housing. Park Forest, IL: Village of Park Forest and South Suburban Housing Center, 1979. Courtesy of Park Forest Historical Society
Archives, Park Forest, Illinois, and Governors State University Archives. Retrieved from

Содержание DB450

Страница 1: ...Studies and Planning Commons This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Regional Archives at OPUS Open Portal to University Scholarship It has been accepted for inclusion in Park For...

Страница 2: ...l lll ll 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1611 00048 6396 AFFIRMATIVE MARKETING HANDBOOK nn 7293 62 x A GU IDE ro INTEGRATED HOUSING By Judy Wunker Wilma Scott Donald DeMarco Dudley Onderdonk...

Страница 3: ...preparation of this doclJllll nt was financed in part through a C rehensh Planning Grant from the U S Department of Housing and Urban Developrl nt as administered by the 11fno1s Department of Local G...

Страница 4: ...sis dealt with the history of segregation in the housing market and the establishment of Chicago area fair housing centers Wilma Scott is presently employed as a housing counselor with the Fair Housin...

Страница 5: ...s for real estate brokers and property managers government officials neigh borhood associations school officials and other interested citizens He and his interracial family reside in the All America C...

Страница 6: ...hensive guide we pulled together existing information and pooled our own ideas observations and experiences concerning affirmative marketing to form this handbook This guide is directed to fafr housin...

Страница 7: ...rketing Part Two Starting an Affirmative Marketing Program 5 Goals and Objectives 6 Data Collection 7 Organizational Details Bl Funding Part Three Action Strategies 9 Dealing with the Federal and Stat...

Страница 8: ...l estate sales people and others which tend to limit bar or circumvent integration and promote re segregation INTEGRATED HOUSING MARKET A market in which people of different races ethnic groups and re...

Страница 9: ...RACE White and black voluntary avoidance by foreclosing housing options based on the other s presence It is not illegal but is caused by the impact of unrectified past discrimination SEPARATISM The t...

Страница 10: ...Part One The Aff1rmat1ve Marketing Concept...

Страница 11: ...ich the private housing in ustry and federal state and local government have been a ctive participants The institutionalization of these discriminatory practices has created a dual housing market whic...

Страница 12: ...He all black iaull1 rac 1a1 in racial lrans1tion or Integrated The Dual Housing Market C00111Un1t1es faced with the prospect of racial resegregatlon lllUSt come to understand the dual housing 111cJrk...

Страница 13: ...laws con tributed to a dual society in which whites lived in one area and blacks and other minorities were encouraged to live in other segregated areas The effect of administrative practice in housing...

Страница 14: ...onomic Models 111ay help you understand the p ocess of racial resegregatlon These are outlined on the following pages SEGREGATION RESEGREGATION MOOCL Nelqhborhoods and corrmum t 1es resegrega te 1n a...

Страница 15: ...y oemand functions Figure 2 represents the initial stage of the resegregation ncdel Demand for housing is represented by curve 0 The supply of housing is represented by curve S As long as the total po...

Страница 16: ...n a minority population begins to compete for housln j The supply of housing w11 1 remain constant however the demand curve will shift to a new position D because more families are competing for hous...

Страница 17: ...r configuration as shown on Fioure 4 The supply curve remains constant however a new demand curve oll is created which is less than the original curve The minority population alone cannot produce the...

Страница 18: ...sense unstable Complete racial transition occurs if the demand for hom s by a previous minority in the area is large enough to absorb all the properties that become available in the neighborhood If w...

Страница 19: ...the segre gated living patterns that are the legacy of the dual housing market H UD in issuing the regulations not only condoned but required that people of differ ent races be treated differently in...

Страница 20: A Plan for Racial Diversity Village of Park Forest 1977 D Onderdonk and M West Racial Resegregation and the Dual Housing Market 1978 Mimeographed 5 Advisory Conmittee to the Department of Housing a...

Страница 21: ...general American society thus breaking out of the segregated pattern Blacks however regardless of their educational achievements or income were a very visible minority and found assimilation an imposs...

Страница 22: ...eneral American society thus breaking out of the segregated pattern Blacks however regardless of their educational achievements or income were a very visible minority and found assimilation an impossi...

Страница 23: ...state brokers builders and mort gage financers who translate the prejudice into discriminatory action The builder developer has contributed to residential segregation in two ways First the builder has...

Страница 24: ...nge Speculators in search of profit also contribute to segregation by moving in on a racially changed neighborhood They buy the property cheaply from white homeowners who have panicked then rent or se...

Страница 25: ...housing Once a few black familes are in the area the second phase of the transition begins Often outside real estate agents are lured into the area by the chance to make quick profits by introducing t...

Страница 26: ...gents Criticisms indicated a refusal to show homes appointments made but not kept lukewarm apologies for rude behavior and lack of diplomacy 0 19 Blacks not only had problems with real estate agents w...

Страница 27: ...s This became the place then where blacks should live The area had black visibility Through the realtor grapevine the area became known as a place where prospective black home seekers could find good...

Страница 28: ...s under restrictive covenant if the properties were being sold to blacks By 1968 the FHA could insure any property restricted by covenant provided the owner agreed to void the covenant The 1968 Fair H...

Страница 29: ...Racially Changing Neighborhood ASurvey p 5 8 U S Corrrnission on Civil Rights Understanding Fair Housing Clearinghouse Publication no 42 Washington D C Government Printing Office 1973 p 3 9 Davis McE...

Страница 30: ...ey Molotch Racial Change in a Stable Community American Journal of Sociology 75 September 1969 56 22 Malcom Peabody Fundamental Change Required HUD Tells Realtors Journal of Intergroup Relations 2 Sum...

Страница 31: ...spelled out This brief review of legislative hi story judicial interpretation and executive implementation surrrnari zes the legal basis for affirmative action for integration in housing l Legislative...

Страница 32: ...wnettier the housing 1ut1iorlty as oblig Ced to 91ve first priority to former res1 drnts of an urban renewal site when this would rtsult In a pred0lll1 nantly non 1ite project in an existing lnterr1c...

Страница 33: ...housing opportunities that will contribute to decreasing the effects of past housing discrimination Separation of the races par ticularly when it is involuntary has damaging consequences One is racia...

Страница 34: entitled lo obtain their housing aided by federal furlds In a balanced and integrated cOt l1tJnity as envisaged by the West Side Urban Renewal Plan The purpose of the plan Is integration not COlltl...

Страница 35: ...09 U S 205 1972 7 Barrick Realty Inc v City of Gary 491 F 7th 161 8 Township of Willingboro et al v Linmark Associates et al 431 U S 85 9 Otero v New York City Housing Authority 485 F 2nd 2nd Circuit...

Страница 36: ...ire sutll groups as real estate agents to go through affirmative marketing training though tlO sute Is p esently doing so On the local level 111 1niclpalltles can adopt affirmative mar et1ng programs...

Страница 37: ...Part Two Starting an Affrrma11ve Marketrng Program...

Страница 38: ...11ent of pur pose l f sts on the pr ise that an enlightened and invol ed public can la direct and responsible action to enhaoce the quality of social and eco nomic 1ffe in thttr respective co11n nitie...

Страница 39: ...protect and enhance the value of residential in tituttona1 and business property through an active illldge building campaign which stresses the positive aspects of social and economic con ditions in...

Страница 40: ...they help to define an organization in its environment giving it an Identification Secondly setting up goals and objectives gives direction for policies strategies and action They help to coordinate d...

Страница 41: ...mation cooperation is sometimes difficult One way to recei ve cooperation is through affirmative marketing agreements covered later in this manual Check with local utility companies municipal and priv...

Страница 42: ...reco111t1end Finally providing this type of information to schools municipalities financial institutions regional planning agenc1eS the lllE dia and housing providers such as real estatl agents and n...

Страница 43: ...xemption 5Dl c 3 classification 8 Reserve telephone lines 3 or 4 consecutive nurrbers for example 848 7150 7151 7152 7153 9 Oesign logo and get letterhead printed 10 Print simple brochure for general...

Страница 44: ...e nite suspicion of the organization s nittve for exa le believing falsely that the actual purpose of the organl1atlon is to promote 111lnor1ty innlgration to places where minorities already reside In...

Страница 45: ...With individual bel 1ets and conflicting attitudes il is very important that the coaltt1on hold itself together by continually putting emphasis on its goals 7 3...

Страница 46: ...utlons all contribute funds to fair housing efforts Real estate offices banks savings and loans chant ers of conirerce as well as churches and synagogues have supported affirmative marketing activitie...

Страница 47: ...nd slates which can be widely applied to fund a variety of fair housing activities Fund for an OPEN Socielt lhe Fund for an OPEN Society OPCN Is a non profit corporation fo1 1 1 d to grant home l llrt...

Страница 48: ...Part Three Action Strategies...

Страница 49: ...hind such agr nts Is to lnvol ve the housing fndus try conrnunity groups and the govemrrent 1n a work ab1e effect1ve agreetnPnt An example of such an agretment Is the HUO NAR Nat1onal Association of R...

Страница 50: ...hOusing matters To lhOnltor and assist with proble1115 local Realtor boards 11111y have with ll Plementing the Agreements a Co11111Jnity Housing Resource Board CHRB Is set up In each Realty Oard area...

Страница 51: ...Cl RA j PREF RfNt ___ GEOGRAPWtC A A AOR LOC AflON PRC1 RENCf _ Stlf ANOHAlUAE PACflREtt C 00 Ol l fllllOOMS_______ 00 O llATH OOMS GA Gl ___8ASEMCNl _ _OTHER CNUGM Of IMQUtRY WAtll IN ___ _SIGN T l P...

Страница 52: for housing Similarly whites moving to multi racial areas where whites may have ceased competing would be considered a non traditional move While racial issues may be difficult to discuss a color b...

Страница 53: ...t things to ascertain over the phone is the client s race The best tpproach is the direct one would you tell 111e if you re wnlte bl tek or of another race and then proceed wfth the interview Although...

Страница 54: ...ose agents who go through such training may be referred to as preferred Brokers and will be put on a 1lst by the housing organization By rotating this list the counselor reco11111ends and sets up appo...

Страница 55: ...dy living there Conversely an area experiencing little or no black demand should be marketed to minorities Raw census data do not always reflect these phenomena Rowever where the buyer i a white tc is...

Страница 56: ...H CO m pa _ n _ y P o s it i o n H o w Lo_n_g M o ln _ c _ ome _ W r C o m pa_n_y P o s 1t 1 0 n Ho_w_Lo_n_g M o In_c_o _ me _ r 123 MS 0 Sep W Date Rental Client s Name Phone Address Bus _ _ ____ Emp...

Страница 57: are completely free Our goal is to promote inte gration through a unitary housing market We encourage wtiite homeseekers to contlnue to look 1n tangsville and other integrated areas and we u...

Страница 58: ...ies l ink into trans portation systems back into the City There are some other advantages to a pro integration move that I d like to tell you about There is an economic advantage to living in an area...

Страница 59: ...interested in view ing some of this housing Mrs B Can we see some houses today Loretta Yes of course I 11 put you in touch with Adams Realty the next company on our li st They re located in Wayne and...

Страница 60: ...act that this metropolitan area is about 80 white and about 20 black So you ve lost 80 of your market if you ve got no white familes competing for housing Mrs W Tha t s what s happening in our neighbo...

Страница 61: ...rkin9 In their regions to accoqil lsh the sar ie thing Hr W Do you have areas In Langsville where alrrost all black people live Sally No there 1s 1ntegration throughout the coomunity There are no poc...

Страница 62: ...e some homes here Sally The next realtor on the list is Mr Jackson and he s got an office here in langsville I can call his office and see if he can show you s001e homes 1n Langsvl lle this afternoon...

Страница 63: ...citizens organization Our services are completely free We pronx te a housing market in which the racial com position of the people looking for housing is generally reflective of the racial proportions...

Страница 64: For the past 10 years we owned our own home and I just have had no reason to consider renting until now What does the average two bedroom rent for Wilma In this area two bedrooms start around 275...

Страница 65: ...n the c011111unity the community is no longer considered stable and is perhaps in danger of segregating or resegregating The Information Center works to avoid the segregation or resegregatlon of tOl11...

Страница 66: for the citizens to feel comfortable Real Estate Brokers Real estaLe agents as shown in the introductory chapter have hfstor ical y fought to maintain segregation Because of tnelr tremendous Influe...

Страница 67: ...l estate agents a multiple choice exam see exa llle This will help 1111ny real estate aqents to realize that they m1y not know everything concen im fair housing laws or coqiliance w1th these la11s and...

Страница 68: ...this organiza tion By the 1940 s soaie blacks were accepted however financial and social b4rrlers still existed to Board lltlership Wll te Realtors found it advanta geous to ktep blacks out as noted...

Страница 69: ...nest too y be covered 1n three sessions and will hope ullJ end with the signing of an dflrmative marketing ogree nt Sueh scmiria rey also be the result of conc11tating 1 coa ilalnt lso see chapter 14...

Страница 70: ...litment to achieve and maintain a work force which is racially reflective of the citizenry very if llOrtant for credi bility on the housing issue COl11nunity Organizations Citizen and conmunity organi...

Страница 71: ...t housing opportunities which within the local market are routinely not provided to or not requested by certain potential purchasers because of their race whHe blad or otner mai eover while avoiding t...

Страница 72: ...are generally reflective of the proportions of such groups within the region Adopted this day of 19 APPROVED Village Presfdent ATTEST vlllage Clerk 11 7...

Страница 73: consciousness Racial and ethnic data shall be generated to be used solely for the purpose of plaMing and impl ntation of affinaative marketing 1 A 90tlthly record will be kept and will be filed wit...

Страница 74: ...cate the specific area for which this plan appltes hlte non minority Area C Minority Area L J Mixed area __ minority Remarks __________ _ ________________ IV OIRECTIONS or MARKETING ACflVITY Signatori...

Страница 75: ...ble vl 1U Nll f1fNITS Check the block s that best describe actlv1t1es to t111 vacancies as they occur LJ NPWspapers Publ ltat Ions _ Radio __TV L Conmun1ty Contacts _ Brochures Lea fl cts Handouts oth...

Страница 76: ...Affinnative Marketing Plan Yes No Explain IX ADDITIONAL CONSIDERATIONS Other Efforts Please describe other efforts you plan as part of your outreach program to attract persons in those groups that you...

Страница 77: ...ated occupancy result by race with regard to subsidized unit al location __White non 11fnor1ty __Black __Spanish Arrr1can __Oriental __American Indian __Other Minority specify The Affirinatlve Marketi...

Страница 78: ...nwrt er white lllDYe ins _____ Total nud er white mve outs ____ MOVE INS 111eans actual occupancy MOVE WTS Includes evictions skip outs broken leases etc OCCUPANCY ANO TRAFFIC Spanish American uther...

Страница 79: ...vidual rights and can serve the inlerest of integration but have not sufficiently pranoted and main tained functionally integrated housing markets thereby failing to fully remedy the effects of past d...

Страница 80: order that a unitary housing market might come into existence and WHEREAS Affirmative Marketing if it is to be both effective and non discriminatory requires careful racial record keeping with res...

Страница 81: ...resented in the current housing demand c Monitoring its own agents to assure that each is working to develop housing traffic for company and non canpany listing in furtherance of the establish ment of...

Страница 82: ...ent with the Leadership council For Metropolitan Open Communities and Kome Investments Fund which alon9 with the prinicipal parties hereto have been instrumental in establishing this agreement 8 The p...

Страница 83: ...s ment to be signed on its behalf by its duly authorized officers Date Date ATTEST 11 1 II...

Страница 84: ...han 50 of the Hems The nurrber of errors al lows the broker to recognize that the conwoon wisdom s he posesses does nol provide the correct response Or al ternat Ivel y tha l his or her notions about...

Страница 85: the first black family into a block or a neighborhood a ls blockbusting ard therefore a violation of some fair housing laws ls COfllllendable as a move to prOll Ote an increase of black demand a f...

Страница 86: ...rdinances Afffr ative Harketlng Guidelines Fair Housing Codes a All refer to basically the same tning b Each refers to SOO lething quite distinct It One tel lll is quite distinct frM the other three d...

Страница 87: ...or fs not coaipeting in the 1111rket Their Investment may still suffer If only other blacks compete for housing In their area c Other black people will be welcollled to the same area d Whites will co...

Страница 88: ...14 Jn a It does not say P F South k own widely to house blacks is not shown only that traditionally white areas are also shown This is not unlawful Response b 1s obviously wrong and e s first clause...

Страница 89: ...s assured 1ere there is absolutely no Illegal racial steerfng a true false 7 A neighborhood that is integrated 1s a changed or changing ne1ghborhood a true false 8 A real estate agent should refuse an...

Страница 90: ...ity group persons that certain houses that are on the market are not a al1ab1e to them 15 Affi nnat1ve marketing a 1s an advertising approach b involves selling minorities on the benefits of choosing...

Страница 91: ...of its parts See chapter on counseling p ocedurt S The content of the adver t isIng Is extremely i1111 0rtant especially for areas seeking to nainuln a racially divprse population In such cases do no...

Страница 92: ...t by Chicago ared fair housing centers Is an exa1 ple of how to specifically tell blacks they are welcome in an are It iflllledlately fdenttffes the desired cl 1entele and sets a positive orood for th...

Страница 93: ...WN Q FREE aervlc thot con h lp If l OU re o pe1sonnel director who s ex pecting tronsferees to the Ch1cogolond oreo or 1f you re o uonsferee to this or see us APARTmENT IN FORmATION CENTERS We te o FR...

Страница 94: ...1y Hl s nd ll ntighboring COf r rnunity Mol OM Paik Tumo OUI thoo os lht al the lo gdl H l at O tlld b ggu Ytn tNn Winlamsburg l r9 i k twos ht hlghesl lnCOtT t ond odUc otlonol nd ht hom O Cogo c omm...

Страница 95: ...tour of the homet or grandeur tn rho hundred ll tovs nnd price raoge And no m11Uer whal pnce ren lc you re fn you rtt Jn for solld v lva Brick tudor 3 story hanUsome buys Built wilh eaprirl old fo _f...

Страница 96: ...nder the move is ontoNortheast Ma eMid P opleare malm91he moue 10Nonheas They come for ned bod ood ochoolsand parks bal omesand shopping 1nebod sanctuaryand 1he v ondhundreds ol other reasons We haw a...

Страница 97: ...SpanIst readers were taken fro Mfl H rk An Afflnnative Martetfng Supplt l ll nt for the Housfn Jndustry publlsed for the 1111001s kous1ng OCvelopment Authority cN ated and puDlished by franklin Lett A...

Страница 98: ...Gettinguseto thesuburbs v hMI __ _ l _ t P t _ _ _ __...

Страница 99: ...fnr spanish readers _ _ __ u...

Страница 100: corrvnunities are perceived as 1 closed your area may be ta geted by real estate agents and others for racial steering It can become an area where minorities should live and where whites should no...

Страница 101: ...s a tt rm defining an integrated or desegrated school syste11 Another distinction to be mad 1s between minority groups and lower income groups Too often being black is equated with being poor Whites p...

Страница 102: be avoided However there is doubt as to whether or not educational excellence alone will retain white students There is some reason to believe white students and their parents are sensitive to any...

Страница 103: ...the schools imp1ct the racial composition of the COl l1 lnity7 The il IPIC Ny then be weighed against the policy s benefit to the school Gary Orfleld who has intensively studied the problems of desegr...

Страница 104: ...the greatest pos sible extent under one of two policies a A sundard calling for approxfll4tely equal representation of 11tnor1ty and llliljority children tn as any schools as possible with a guarante...

Страница 105: ...Part Four Evalua11on and Feedback...

Страница 106: ...members of another co11111Unity Outsiders have two baste advantages The first Is that they are less likely to be recognized The second is that 1f they are not residents and not infonned about the com...

Страница 107: ...he agent the unfts offered by the agent and the dialogue that took pl1ce between the testers and the agent Thfs should be reduced to the he safd lsafd ro While it is l11POr tant that thts report is c...

Страница 108: ...this type or auditing the black couple c an visit the agent first the white couple following within a couple of hours With thfs arrangement the agent cannot claim the black couple 111s denied housing...

Страница 109: ...e publication by National Neighbors Racial Steerinf The Dual Housing Market and Multi racial Nei hborhoods discusses a nuiiiler o options that may e ta en when 1scr1m1nat1on occurs The first is public...

Страница 110: ...H JJ 11 n l 1 ar 1u1 1u u 1n 111r 1n 110 ut ZH AT IUO lll 1 ll r llll 1 t l 17 2U Uf UJ b 1 Uil u n Jt7 ut 201 l tCA 1 a IT 11 fl tJ D tt AK lA U lP lf I UO U X lx 1 Cl U llf U l H l tO 201 10 111T t...

Страница 111: ..._ BirthdAto Children Birthdate __ Birthdat Birthdate __ BirUtdate Remarks EMPLOYMENT Husband Organization Phone Ext Address City Position Salary liow Jong Other income EMPLOYMENT WiCe Organimtion Addr...

Страница 112: ...ndant the r id nt 1114n iger of 22 i Ea st Bin h Ave n11e Cl1icai o Illinois and m d John Dcl eodanl it Uicro wtre any onc lr lroom 11pnrtmt nls available or rent al the aForemenlionerl arltlrOM 5 Joh...

Страница 113: ...ed lhe owortwlity to see and negotiale for tbe 11mtal oC a on roum aparl ment al 22j t llirch Chicago lllinoia because aJlianL is Blacll Lawrence l Plaint ill Subscribed and sworn lo before me this 1s...

Страница 114: DcfenJant iioaeJ Amant two acant one l fdtoom nrartm nld in a id l ruilding apartment 2 B 11n I 1 3 R AJ la ol told John Defendant that Alliant hail other apartrntnUI lo look al and that he would r...

Страница 115: ...y time n nd U1at a ycar Rlea o starting May 1 1974 with a monthly rcnt il of 195 00 would be prepared for A ffiant by J ohn Defendant immediately Subscribed and sworn to before me U1ia l sl cay of May...

Страница 116: ...l A l b l Ilt l S NAME PJJONE NU1JUER _ REAL ES l A l E FlltWS ADl RESS DA TB AN 0 TlME or INQUIRY ltEAL ES l A l E AOJ N l S NAME AJll Rl SSk S tU lD L ll iTlNO PRICES OF PROPE1 TlES OJ F IBED 1 0R S...

Страница 117: ...P resent Uomo Sold 01 Up For Sale7 Credit Intormution if any S1 A1 E EXJ C l LY WJlJ l YOU ASKED FOR WJIEX YOU ENTERJ D TUE REAL BSTATbl OFl ICE STATE rn A NARRATIVE FOR I YOUR CONVERSA TION WITH THE...

Страница 118: ...NT OWNl R S ADDRESS ON SITE AOI T b Nill PUONB NUMBER ON lilTE Aca NT S ODll ESS HO l llD YOU F INll OUT ABOUT TllE APARTMEl T Newapaper Ad _ Name oC Paper ___ Date A1mrtmrnl Re er11 I Sen cP _ _Name...

Страница 119: ...l llE AUDITOR Nnmo Phone Number Address Family Sizo Income Credit Information i any S l A1 E EXAC1 LY WlfA l YOU ASKED FOR WDEN YOU ENTERBJJ fllE RENTAL OFFICE STA l J IN A NARlUT1Vl1 FORM YOUR CONVE...

Страница 120: ...orfl if not s r as fir r Tel ____ number street Tpolitical jurisdiction ZIP Code name nuinber street Tel ____ political jurisdic t ion ZIP C odd This form and the one follow nQ Rental Aul it Report w...

Страница 121: ...59 9 60 64 10 65 or older Sex of Auditor 1 Male 2 female Auditor Number B Oate uudit begun month Time phoned for appointment day year AM or PM iJ Wds off ice locked 11hen you arrived and remained so f...

Страница 122: ...less than 10 minutes 3 Ten n11nutrs or more but l ess lhan 15 minutes 4 fiftec11 minutes or more but lt ss lhan 20 minutes h1 11ty minutes or more but less than 30 minutes 6 Asked lo re t urn at a mor...

Страница 123: ...etc I 2 e Shake your hand I 2 r Asl you to be seated I 2 g Offer other acts of courtesy specify ____ __ llid thr agent _l J es t either verbJlly or in written form any of the follo J ng lnfonn ilion a...

Страница 124: ...t CIRCLI ON 1 Yr 2 Ho 15 Did lhe a rnl request dny information about referPnces for exa ple pieserit lar1dlord binIt charge accounts ClRCLC ONE 1 Yes 2 No 16 lhd the agent rcqu sl dny of the fol10 1in...

Страница 125: ...of audit or within day or two 2 Th t one or i ore suitable houses would be available for inspection at ll l e tinR later but not right away T l tt m or more house were available in the peclfied neighb...

Страница 126: ...specify ___ 23 ll M llJny houses in i111 11ere volunteered to you as serious possibilities by the gen l c IRCLl OtlE l I No hou cs 2 On hnuse J Two hou e 4 Thn house s Oil or fi Vl ht uSe Ii ix or mor...

Страница 127: ...n payment required Iodicdte exdc l dollar amount S __ __ _ OR Percent or asking price __ S f l al type or financing did the 1gcnt s y would probably be available CIRCL Y S OR NO FOR A Yes Ho c r I 2 1...

Страница 128: ...f wt at type of findncing did the agent sa would probably he available CIRCLE YES OR NO FOR Cll Yes No 1 i I 2 I 2 l 2 a fllA Vll financing avijilable h Convi ntional financing available l 2 c Assump...

Страница 129: ...g price _ _ t f Whdt typt of financing rlid the agent sa t would probably be avdildble CIRClf YES OR NO FOR Yes No 1 2 a fllA Vf financing available 1 2 b Conventional financing avai hbl e l c Assumpt...

Страница 130: ...blacks including use of code words Clf CLE ONE I Yes 2 tin 3 Not sure IF YE OR NOT SURE YOU CIRCLED I OR 3 EXACTLY WHAT DID S HE SAY 3G IHd gent invite you to ca 11 back CIRC Oil I Yes 2 No 11 lihat w...

Страница 131: ...UOt1 Rt P11rn I l CO Hll lt NO I IH fOUK O m i R l Pl AS OfSCfUBf BHOlf fY cxrrnrE CES UlllCll YOU Wlll NOl ABL TO RECORD AOEQUAllLY LS HHERE ON THIS A UDIT FORM US Oriti II S10 OF SHCCT If llECESSARY...

Страница 132: ...I 2 1 34 Did the iycnt contact you by mail or tele hone following you visit C RCL Oi IE I Yes 2 No IF YE YOU CIRCLED 1 ANSWER 34a z1 34a When was firs t contact made C IRCLE ONE I In less than one day...

Страница 133: ...t I I 2 I z 2 f 2 t z L z z l z z b1 J t 1 t 1 ltJ n I Ii I r y LI J n cf r t It 11 1 J po111t 11 v 11 t r c or rr u i o i ht TLllow 1n J fR t rLC I f_ r will 1 11 10 I o i t l O 11 111 A i e nt s w C...

Страница 134: ...p 1 k l i r It 11 hO S t rO f y1r JS r r rc 11 1 1 1 1 f t r rr rlt r 1 t f Jt i s _ 1 1 i l l 1 1 1t d d 1 11n ur 1 I ir kP C ir r 11 11 riu r 1 1 _u r I l i t l I C ins iC l C 1 S J t c pl _ 11 Jl f...

Страница 135: ...L AUDIT REPORT FORM NO 2 REFERENCE COMPLEX OR BUILDING name Tel ________ number street political Jurisdiction AGENT S NAM E ADDRESS AND rtft ilHONE NUMBER name ZIP Code Tel number street political jur...

Страница 136: ...17 4 None under 18 Date audit begun ____ ___ inonth or ur nee Use Only CONTROL NO Karital Status 1 Ka ded 2 Single Age of Auditor 1 Under 25 2 25 29 3 30 34 4 35 39 5 40 44 6 45 49 7 50 54 8 55 59 9...

Страница 137: ...minutP s 5 20 minutes or more but less than 30 minutes 6 Asked to return at a more convenient time 7 Asked to leave without being invited to return 8 left office after waiting for 30 minutes without...

Страница 138: ...Ask your name 1 2 d Address you by a courtesy title during interview Mr Mrs etc 1 2 e Shake your hand 1 2 f Ask you to be sealed I 2 g Offer other acts of courtesy specify _ ________ g Did the agent r...

Страница 139: ...le now 2 That somethln would be available within the next nonth 3 Thal son1ething would be availahle but only after a month 4 Thal s he was not sure whether something was available 5 That nothinq 1 as...

Страница 140: ...rooms a iJSIJ 399 9 S4 l l 143 M S4S 99 11 S I or 110re Other auditor told about apartinent 1 Yes 2 O l Not sure Other auditor told bout apartroent In this bulldln complex Yes 2 ilo lot sure 132 Count...

Страница 141: ...s possfbtllttes CIRCU ONE 1 No 1part e nts 4 Three 1p1rt ents 2 One 1part nent 5 Four or ftve 1parblents 3 Two 1parbAents 6 Sb or 110re 1p1rments ZOI 25 How UflY 1p1rta1ents were you tnvited by the 1g...

Страница 142: ...RCLE ONE 1 Yes 2 No IF YES YOU CIRCLED 1 ANSWER 2Ba AND 28b 2Ba Would an application fee be required to accompany the app11cat1on CIRCLE ONE 1 Yes Z No 2Bb How 111Uth would the application fee be Give...

Страница 143: ...ment building or complex ClRClE ONE 1 Yes 2 No 3 Saw blacks but not sure they were tenants 220 34 Did agent invite you to call back CIRCLE ONE 1 Yes 2 No 221 35 What was the race of the agent ClRClE O...


Страница 145: ...1 2 c Air conditioning 1 2 d Telephone answering service 1 2 e Laundry facilities on premises 1 2 f Paning 1 2 g Recreational facilities e g swimming pool tennis cour ts activities or party r oom h S...

Страница 146: ...O ld the agent speak negatively about the complex or neighborhood CIRCLE ONE Yes 2 i10 A8 When you visited tr e apartment did you notice CIRCLE YES OR NO FOR Yes No I r a Poor condi t ion on outs ide...

Страница 147: ...measurements that rnay be made as discussed bel ow An organiza t ion counseling homeseekers shoul d prepare mont hly counsel i ng reports Such reports should Include t otal nurrber counseled br oken...

Страница 148: ...ciarket have accepted affinnative marketing actions hlle their total cooperation is not needed for afflnMtive marketin9 to work their perceptions of what affin atlve rketing Is about and their reacti...

Страница 149: ...special attention Among the potential programs pre sented for CQl Tlent several received a hi tt ranking Including crime preven tion schools economic nilntenance and developnent and good practices by...

Страница 150: ...s Total NT Placements of NT Pl acements Total T Placements of T Placement Income over 15 000 Income be l ow 15 000 Unknown llT non traditional T traditional B 8 W 4 B 20 W 7 2 850 EXCllANGF AV NUt PAR...

Страница 151: ...Jtry 1 77 2 2 l cl r ry 2 l 5 ll 2 2 a rch 9 4 12 10 2 r1l 9 8 l l 5 2 y 14 4 l l 15 14 6 4 5 ne lS 7 5 20 19 f 5 2 f _1y 10 6 3 lJ 9 s 2 T ol 78 110 2 l 9E1 ll7 4 21 tcrco tac e3 U7 r 33 7 ri 81 5X l...

Страница 152: ...h continues to attract from all segments of the available population will be ltllre likely to retain and renew the financial investment and human resources every conrnunity needs to remain vital Far f...

Страница 153: ...y homeseekers in housing sit uations where the minority predominated So too did the voluntary agreement between HUD and the National Association of Real Estate Brokers the association of minoirty real...

Страница 154: ...Attacks can also take place In the media via letters to the editor news releases and news conferences The responses to critici sms should generally be designed to allow adjust ments In your adversarie...
