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Страница 2: ...1 By Dogtra Remote Controlled Dog Training Collars Owner s Manual Please read this manual thoroughly before operating the Dogtra ARC training collar ...
Страница 3: ... with other electronic devices JDUDJH GRRU RSHQHUV PRELOH SKRQHV HWF 2XU GLJLWDO microprocessor offers thousands of unique codes to eliminate frequency match up with other Dogtra e collars Dogtra recommends consulting your physician if you are going to use the e collar and you have any type of medical devices Inadvertent activation If the constant button is held down for 12 seconds or more the uni...
Страница 4: ...its signs of skin irritation consult with a veterinarian Reaction to the stimulation Every dog has a different tolerance and reaction to the VWLPXODWLRQ 3OHDVH ORRN DW RXU GRJ V UHDFWLRQ WR QG MXVW the right level of stimulation The stimulation level may YDU GHSHQGLQJ RQ WKH VLWXDWLRQ DQG GLVWUDFWLRQV 1RUPDOO a distracted dog chasing another dog squirrel etc will require a higher level of stimulat...
Страница 5: ...ULJKW VWLPXODWLRQ 5 To maximize the distance 6 The LED indicator 7 Charging the battery 8 How to change the stimulation intensity 9 The handheld transmitter LCD 10 Code setting 11 How to attach the belt clip on theARC 12 How to use the test light General Training Tips Maintenance Troubleshooting Guide Warranty and repair information 5 6 7 9 10 12 13 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 23 24 26 ...
Страница 6: ... D 10 volt car outlet European charger Dogtra s European chargers are designed for use with a 230VAC electrical outlet To purchase accessories please visit www dogtra com or call customer service at 1 888 811 9111 2ZQHUV Manual Belt clip Test light 5HFHLYHU Collar Transmitter Battery charger Splitter cable ...
Страница 7: ...dheld transmitter 6OLP GHVLJQ UHFHLYHU FROODU HUJRQRPLFDOO VKDSHG WR RXU GRJV QHFN User expandable to a two dog system PLOH UDQJH 1LFN RQVWDQW QRQ VWLPXODWLQJ 3DJHU YLEUDWLRQ PRGHV 2 hour rapid charge batteries Fully waterproof LCD screen Belt clip RZ 0HGLXP 6WLPXODWLRQ For dogs as small as 15 lbs 3 4 ...
Страница 8: ...de button Belt clip 2Q RII magnetic red dot Battery charging receptacle rubber plug 2nd dog Pager orange button LCD screen 1st dog Pager gray button 1st dog 1LFN Constant gray button Indicator light LED window 1LFN RQVWDQW toggle switch 2nd dog 1LFN Constant orange button ...
Страница 9: ...8 Receiver Collar Contact points Collar strap Battery charging receptacle rubber plug Indicator light LED window 2Q RII magnetic switch red dot ...
Страница 10: ...e LCD VFUHHQ VKXWV RII KHQ WKH VFUHHQ GLVSOD V 2 release the button 7R DFWLYDWH WKH UHFHLYHU FROODU SODFH WKH UHG GRW RQ WKH EDFN RI WKH WUDQVPLWWHU WR WKH UHG GRW RQ WKH UHFHLYHU FROODU Hold the two red dots together for a moment until the LED OLJKW RQ WKH UHFHLYHU FROODU FRPHV RQ To deactivate the unit repeat the same procedure holding the two red dots together momentarily The LED light will WXU...
Страница 11: ...n either the orange or gray stimulation button is pressed DQG WKH WRJJOH LV VHW RQ 1LFN WKH UHFHLYHU HPLWV D VLQJOH pulse of electrical stimulation When you press either the orange or gray stimulation EXWWRQ DQG WKH WRJJOH LV VHW RQ RQVWDQW WKH UHFHLYHU emits a continuous stimulation for as long as the button is pushed for up to 12 seconds to the corresponding collar If the button is not released ...
Страница 12: ... RQ WKH IDFH RI WKH transmitter 7KH RUDQJH EXWWRQ FRUUHVSRQGV ZLWK WKH RUDQJH UHFHLYHU FROODU DQG WKH JUD ZLWK WKH EODFN UHFHLYHU FROODU 3UHVVLQJ it will give a non stimulating vibration for as long as the button is depressed for up to 12 seconds ...
Страница 14: ...el can be found when the dog responds to the stimulation with a mild reaction such as a tensing of the neck muscles The stimulation level may vary depending on the training situation When highly distracted dogs will require a higher level of stimulation 5 To maximize the distance 7KH RJWUD 5 KDV D PLOH UDQJH 7KH UDQJH PD YDU depending on the way the transmitter is held Hold the transmitter away fr...
Страница 15: ...e level Green Fully charged Amber Medium Red 1HHGV charging If the unit is used while the LED indicator is red it will shut down automatically Receiver Indicator Light KHQ WKH RQVWDQW EXWWRQ RQ WKH WUDQVPLWWHU LV SXVKHG the collar indicator light will glow steadily either green amber or red based on the remaining battery life as long as you hold the button down for up to 12 seconds KHQ WKH 1LFN EX...
Страница 16: ...if The indicator light on the collar is emitting a red color I WKH EDU LQGLFDWRU RQ WKH WUDQVPLWWHU VKRZV MXVW 1 bar The indicator light on the transmitter or receiver will not come on The indicator light on the transmitter or receiver comes on momentarily but will not stay on when the RQVWDQW EXWWRQ LV SXVKHG Battery Charging Procedure NOTE The unit has a partial charge when it leaves the Dogtra ...
Страница 17: ...tery is fully charged when you disconnect WKH FKDUJHU DIWHU QLVKLQJ WKH FKDUJH RX ZLOO QHHG WR restart the unit 4 After charging cover the battery charging receptacles ZLWK WKH UXEEHU SOXJV RQ WKH WUDQVPLWWHU DQG UHFHLYHU collar NOTE 2QO XVH RJWUD DSSURYHG EDWWHULHV FKDUJHUV DQG accessories for your Dogtra e collars When a charger is not in use disconnect it from the power source 8 How to change t...
Страница 18: ...ceiver observe the LED indicator on the UHFHLYHU FROODU Green full charge Amber medium charge Red needs charge Care for LCD Transmitters in Cold Temperature In cold temperatures 10 degrees F or below the Liquid Crystal Display LCD on your transmitter may be dim or slow to respond Wait until the display becomes visible before selecting any training level Even though the LCD screen might be dim or s...
Страница 19: ...ich might not be FRUUHFWO UHÀHFWHG RQ WKH VFUHHQ 10 Code setting Code setting Additional Receivers 7XUQ WKH WUDQVPLWWHU RQ E SXVKLQJ WKH 21 2 EXWWRQ located on the side of the transmitter and set the intensity GLDO WR 2 Place the red dot on the back of the transmitter to the red GRW RI WKH UHFHLYHU FROODU RX ZRXOG OLNH WR FRGH Hold the two red dots together for about 5 seconds until the green EOLQ...
Страница 20: ...4 seconds when the coding is complete 6 When a button is pressed on your coded handheld transmitter an LED indicator light will blink on the FRUUHVSRQGLQJ UHFHLYHU FROODU 11 How to attach the belt clip on the ARC To attach the included belt clip to the transmitter follow the instructions below 1 Align the belt clip to the grooves on the back of the transmitter LWK D UP JULS VFUHZ RQ WKH EHOW FOLS ...
Страница 21: ... as shown in the diagram 7KH WHVW OLJKW ZLOO LOOXPLQDWH PRPHQWDULO ZKHQ WKH 1LFN stimulation button is pressed on the transmitter The light will stay lit as long as the Constant button is pressed on the transmitter up to 12 seconds 3 When the stimulation is increased the test light will emit a brighter light ...
Страница 22: ...l before using the e collar for reinforcement of these commands A leash attached to a standard collar is used to teach the dog the basic obedience commands here heel sit and stay A tug on the OHDVK FROODU LV XVHG WR UHLQIRUFH WKH FRPPDQG KHQ WKH GRJ FRPSOLHV ZLWK WKH FRPPDQG XVH SRVLWLYH UHLQIRUFHPHQW SUDLVH 2QFH WKH GRJ XQGHUVWDQGV WKHVH FRPPDQGV WKH e collar can be used to reinforce them Beginni...
Страница 23: ...r is used as a reminder when the dog does not comply with your commands at home or in the HOG HHS RXU LQLWLDO WUDLQLQJ VHVVLRQV VKRUW DQG SRVLWLYH Dogs have a short attention span especially young dogs How much stimulation to use Always start with low levels of stimulation and work your way up depending on the disposition of your dog and any given situation By using only enough stimulation to get ...
Страница 24: ... FROODU and clean out any dirt or debris Storage maintenance The Dogtra ARC should be fully charged before storing for extended periods While in storage the unit should be JLYHQ D IXOO FKDUJH RQFH D PRQWK DQG EHIRUH WKH UVW XVH Store the units in room temperature Do not keep the units exposed to extreme climates Troubleshooting If the unit is malfunctioning please refer to the 7URXEOHVKRRWLQJ XLGH...
Страница 25: ...ponds usually by a neck movement head shaking or looking over the shoulders The response may be very subtle 2 The LED indicator light comes on but I do not feel any stimulation Your tolerance may be higher than your dog s You may QHHG WR WU WKH XQLW RQ RXU QJHUWLSV ZKHUH VHQVLWLYLW LV KLJKHU DQG RU LQFUHDVH WKH VWLPXODWLRQ OHYHO H VXUH ERWK FRQWDFW SRLQWV DUH WRXFKLQJ ERWK RI RXU QJHUWLSV The batt...
Страница 26: ... XS DQG UP LQ WKH center If the pin is wobbly broken or missing you will need to send the unit in to the repairs department The charging port must be clean prior to charging clean out any dirt with a cotton swab and some rubbing alcohol If your dog was in salt water be sure to rinse the receiver and charging port with clean water For Dogtra units over two years old from the purchase date the batte...
Страница 27: ... of our customer service representatives will register the product for you If you were unable to register your product within 30 days of purchase we will accept all products for repair with a proof of purchase We strongly recommend keeping the original receipt If your product is not registered and a proof of purchase is not available at the time of service Dogtra will estimate the age of the unit ...
Страница 28: ...ogtra is not responsible for units damaged or lost in transition to Dogtra Dogtra is not responsible for loss of training time or inconvenience while the unit is in for repair work Dogtra does not provide loaner units or any form of compensation during the repair period A copy of the sales receipt showing the purchase date may be required before warranty work is initiated Please include a brief ex...
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